One of the aspects of health we all have in common is the need for restful sleep. And aside from the rare few who are genetically wired to need less, without 7-9 hours on a regular basis, we mentally and physically suffer. When it comes to the food that supports...
Food Revolution
Sleep Deprivation: Underestimating A Lethal Modern Problem
If ever there was an area of health in which “physician heal thyself” applied to me, it would be sleep. Gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan diet? No problem. Extended fasts? I’ve done many. But getting to bed on time? I have to work at it every day. On the one hand, I’m...
Gene Expression: Your gut microbiome has something to say
If you want to thrive on the outside, you need to thrive on the inside. A vibrant and diverse microbiome is critical to optimal health and wellness. Research continues to link an imbalance in gut microorganisms to type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, intestinal bowel...
Can Epigenetics Turn Back the Hands of Your Telomere Clock?
The shortening of telomeres is now an established hallmark of aging that is often referred to as the ‘telomere clock.’ Studies have demonstrated a direct correlation between telomere length and life expectancy, stress, DNA damage, and the onset of aging-related...
Using Nutrigenomics To Prevent Disease and Optimize Health
In January 2022, a story and video clip were posted on The Mayo Clinic Minute, a webpage produced by the clinic that, according to their description, “gives general health and wellness tips as well as the latest in medical research news.” The story is titled...
Are You A Lark or an Owl? How Genetics Influence Sleep.
What would you trade for a good night’s sleep? If the answer is your first-born child, you might have a problem. Although I joke, there isn’t anything funny about sleep deprivation. It is linked to heart disease, obesity, dementia, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, metabolic...
The Histone Code: An Epigenetic Path to Longevity
There is no shortage of time, energy, or money given over to the study of longevity. But is this a good thing? The current broken medical system may be devoted to keeping people alive, but it certainly isn’t devoted to keeping people healthy. What is the benefit of a...
Methylation: How to Identify Genetic Vulnerabilities and Optimize Health.
Methylation is ubiquitous! It happens a billion times per second, throughout the body, in every cell, yet many of my new clients are unaware of it. Nor are they aware of how critically important its optimal function is to...
The Next-Best-Health Discovery: Understanding the Epigenome & Human Gene Expression
I read an article in National Geographic recently that made me think of the changing world of healthcare. If you are a functional healthcare provider or a person looking for the next-best-health- discovery, it may be of interest to you too! It discussed a book NG has...
Understanding Genetic Variants and Their Importance to Functional Healthcare.
Creating Custom Plans for Every Genetic Variants What are Genetic Variants and why is it important to your functional health journey? If I had to pick one discovery in genetic research that has required the biggest reset in how the role of diet and lifestyle is viewed...