
Playtime – Living Life to the Fullest (Encore)

Obesity, stress, depression and lack of physical health are at an all-time high in our society.  These are symptoms of the root cause of decreased physical activity, play and pleasure in life. Dr. Ritamarie talks often about...

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My Commitment to My Adrenals: No Fatigue, Just Sleep!

When I work with people with fatigue symptoms, related to thyroid and adrenal overload, I talk about several key things: Whole foods, fresh diet, high in raw foods Proper hydration Omega 3 fat balance Getting off allergenic and inflammatory foods, including gluten,...

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30 Day Sleep and Fun Challenge: Day 2

I am excited by all the enthusiastic response to the 30 Day Sleep and Fun Challenge and Daily commitment to Health!  Making commitments to others and publicly declaring them seems to be so motivating and helps you get in touch with what really matters. Last night I...

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Sunshine and Fun are Vital to Your Health

Sunshine and Fun are Vital to Your Health

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Austin, today.  Before I go outside and enjoy it, I thought I'd take a moment to connect. I encourage you to please use your weekend to regenerate your energy from the week. Get outdoors and replenish your vitamin D stores.  I am...

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