In the realm of functional medicine, our understanding of inflammation and autoimmune diseases has evolved significantly over the years. One of the key breakthroughs in this field is the use of advanced genetic lab testing to gain deeper insights into the genetic...
genetic polymorphism
Practitioner Corner: Genetic Polymorphism: When Eating Good Food Makes You Feel Bad
I did enjoy hearing from a few of you on the topic of oxalate sensitivity, my previous post on this topic. Today I will be talking about something called genetic polymorphism, and specifically how a particular polymorphism makes it hard for the body to excrete sulfur...
Practitioner Corner: When Eating More Greens is Not a Good Idea
As health practitioners, we strive to get our clients to eat more greens ---leafies, brassicas, sprouts, sea vegetables --- because they are brimming with nutrition and antioxidant protection. Most of the time, the extra greens result in increased energy, a...
Practitioner Corner: What is Going on When Eating More Greens Backfires!
Have you ever had a client who you thought would respond to adding greens to their diets and it backfired? It's rare, but I thought I would give you a few clues as to what might be going on. As health practitioners, we strive to get our clients to eat more greens...