Valentine's day is on the horizon- another national sugar holiday day in the United States. Filling up on sweets and snuggling close with your honey sounds good in theory, but the romantic mood might be overshadowed by sugar's certain hangover. Your waistline expands,...
gluten-free recipe
Low-Glycemic and Gluten-Free Chocolate Baklava Recipe
I shared a picture on Facebook last week of a dessert I made for my 30th wedding anniversary celebration. It got a LOT of likes and comments, as well as requests for the recipe, so I thought it best to post it here. It's actually...
How Cauliflower Popcorn is Connected to the Values in Your Life
In a recent radio show, we were talking about the importance of understanding our values, and aligning that with the choices we have to make in our day-to-day life. These values don't stand on their own; they are interconnected much as our body systems are. You may...
Valentine’s Day Candy
Valentine's day is usually a great excuse for filing up on sweets, then regretting it when your waistline expands, your face breaks out and your energy tanks. Enjoy this recipe filled with amazing herbs that balance your hormones and nourish your body. They are yummy...
Vitamin C Rich Brussels Pate
Use this easy and delicious recipe to add more Vitamin C to your diet. Vitamin C Rich Brussels Pate Ingredients: 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds 1/4 cup sesame seeds 1/4 cup hemp seeds 1/4 cup macadamia nuts 5 large Brussels sprouts (about a cup) 1/4 onion 1 stalk...
Flax Crisps or Tortillas
Replace the unhealthy, processed chips with these delicious and versatile flax crisps that can be flavored with a variety of different herbs and spices, especially the ones that help fight inflammation: Flax Crisps or Tortillas Ingredients: 1 cup golden flax seed 3...