Green Cleanse

Spicy Kale Drink

Spicy Kale Drink

This is a great drink with a spicy kick to be used as a meal replacement or snack.  It's full of ingredients that will help keep you full and satisfied but also give you the nutrients your body deserves and wants. Spicy Kale...

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Recipe: “Coll” of Spring Soup

Recipe: “Coll” of Spring Soup

"Coll" of Spring Soup This recipe is part of the GREEN Cleanse Program, which is a step-by-step method for giving your body a refreshing cleanse that will help restore your energy and reduce your toxicity. Program members have access to a complete website of...

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Green Foods Go Mainstream

Green Foods Go Mainstream

What's been in the news lately ---from the New York Times to a parents' newsletter in a Glenview Illinois public school? What is more nutrient dense, calorie for calorie, than just about any other food on the planet? What's packed with nutrients, antioxidants and...

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The Top 3 Mistakes Busy People Make When Doing Cleanses

The Top 3 Mistakes Busy People Make When Doing Cleanses

Periodic deep cleansing is a desirable thing.  You probably do it to your home, your car, even your pets.  But chances are, you don't even think about doing a periodic cleansing of your internal organs. Throughout the ages, various forms of cleansing have been used to...

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