Green Foods

Nutrient Loaded Greek Salad Recipe

Nutrient Loaded Greek Salad Recipe

Greek Salad By now you know how much I proclaim the magic of green foods in keeping you vibrant, energetic, and strong.  You’ve probably heard me say that we should eat like the chimps. The cucumber may seem like the least exciting member of the ingredients here, but...

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Green Foods Go Mainstream

Green Foods Go Mainstream

What's been in the news lately ---from the New York Times to a parents' newsletter in a Glenview Illinois public school? What is more nutrient dense, calorie for calorie, than just about any other food on the planet? What's packed with nutrients, antioxidants and...

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My Personal Healing Story (Part 2)

My Personal Healing Story (Part 2)

It's been an unusual week for me! I thought I give you a little update.  I shared with you more detail about what happened to my arm in Part 1. I was so overwhelmed with appreciation for the many well-wishes. I know it has made all the difference in my healing! I had...

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My Personal Healing Story Begins Here

My Personal Healing Story Begins Here

My news today is about my own health and my request for healing energy. About a month ago I broke my arm. Only I didn’t realize it was broken and thought it was just dislocated.  I got an x-ray last Friday which revealed a severe fracture where a part of the humerus,...

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