Greek Salad By now you know how much I proclaim the magic of green foods in keeping you vibrant, energetic, and strong. You’ve probably heard me say that we should eat like the chimps. The cucumber may seem like the least exciting member of the ingredients here, but...
green leafy vegetables
Top 5 Cleansing Foods for Happy Hormones, Efficient Digestion and Maximum Energy
Discover my favorite top 5 detox foods and learn how a spring detox can clear away the weary of winter and slim your waistline!
Cleansing and Detoxification: Spring Cleansing Strategies
Discover my favorite top 5 detox foods and learn how a spring detox can clear away the weary of winter and slim your waistline!
39 Quick and Easy Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Getting Cancer
Your body makes cancer cells every day and also has the ability to destroy cancer cells before they create a problem. Your choices determine how you stay safe and healthy.
How Do YOU Protect Yourself From Cancer?
Cancer effects an alarming 42% of Americans, and that number is on the rise. That's a scary statistic, isn't it? Would you like to be another statistic, or would you rather shift your odds in favor of cancer prevention rather...
The New Health Insurance: Eating Like Chimps
Thanks to the power of green foods, many of them wild and free and often classified as weeds, we have evidence of miraculous health changes.