When it comes to supporting hormone health, the food we consume plays a vital role. By adopting a diet high in green leafy vegetables and rich in nutrient-dense, organic whole foods and incorporating specific ingredients known for their hormone-balancing properties,...
green smoothie. detoxification programs
Adrenal Fatigue: Tips and Resources to Restoring Your Energy and Your Health
Discover the three tips you need to combat adrenal fatigue and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for a healthy, vibrant day!
Garlic and Detoxification: The Possible Side Effects
The question has been brought up in my support calls over the years about some of the well-known detoxification foods, and their potential for side effects. I thought I’d share some information about one of the most amazing foods on the planet: garlic. Garlic is a...
Dr. Ritamarie’s GREEN “Thyme” Machine Recipe: Green Smoothie
Dr. Ritamarie's GREEN "Thyme" Machine Ingredients: 2 cups dino kale 2 cups spinach 1 green apple 1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen 1 lemon or lime, juice of 2 twigs fresh thyme or 1/4 teaspoon dried water as needed for blending Directions: Remove stems from the kale....
Green Smoothie Cleanse Recipes – Low Glycemic
Our Summer 2010 Green Smoothie Cleanse is officially over, and we're transitioning into the Post Cleanse Week. Chronic fatigue symptoms are abating, allergies are improving and the consensus is there is an overall increased...
Adrenal Fatigue: Tips to Restoring Your Energy and Your Health
Discover the three tips you need to combat adrenal fatigue and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for a healthy, vibrant day!
My Commitment to My Adrenals: No Fatigue, Just Sleep!
When I work with people with fatigue symptoms, related to thyroid and adrenal overload, I talk about several key things: Whole foods, fresh diet, high in raw foods Proper hydration Omega 3 fat balance Getting off allergenic and inflammatory foods, including gluten,...
Cleansing for Health
If you’re looking forward to feeling lighter, clearer and more energetic, then consider doing a green cleanse.
Green Smoothie Power
Drinking daily green smoothies provides you with an abundance of nutrition and a powerful immune system!
Yummy Greens Recipes: Cleansing Food!
Discover three recipes to up your greens and boost your energy!