So many people are afraid of green smoothies or just don’t know how to make them palatable, but what if you just combine the flavors of your favorite salad? I decided to share my green smoothie template for a delicious savory green smoothie which is in fact a...
green smoothie recipe
Nourishing Your Body with a Savory Green Smoothie
When it comes to supporting hormone health, the food we consume plays a vital role. By adopting a diet high in green leafy vegetables and rich in nutrient-dense, organic whole foods and incorporating specific ingredients known for their hormone-balancing properties,...
Top 5 Cleansing Foods for Happy Hormones, Efficient Digestion and Maximum Energy
Discover my favorite top 5 detox foods and learn how a spring detox can clear away the weary of winter and slim your waistline!
Recipe: Katherine’s Wednesday Smoothie
This simple, delicious, and detox-friendly smoothie is bursting with flavor and takes only minutes to prepare! Katherine's Wednesday Smoothie Ingredients: 1 mango 1 orange 1 inch slice of pineapple 1 bunch kale kelp, to taste lemon juice, to taste 1/2 pear Directions:...
Garlic and Detoxification: The Possible Side Effects
The question has been brought up in my support calls over the years about some of the well-known detoxification foods, and their potential for side effects. I thought I’d share some information about one of the most amazing foods on the planet: garlic. Garlic is a...
Dr. Ritamarie’s GREEN “Thyme” Machine Recipe: Green Smoothie
Dr. Ritamarie's GREEN "Thyme" Machine Ingredients: 2 cups dino kale 2 cups spinach 1 green apple 1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen 1 lemon or lime, juice of 2 twigs fresh thyme or 1/4 teaspoon dried water as needed for blending Directions: Remove stems from the kale....
Cleansing and Detoxification: Spring Cleansing Strategies
Discover my favorite top 5 detox foods and learn how a spring detox can clear away the weary of winter and slim your waistline!
Raw Food Recipe: Hot Mama Green Drink
The lemon and spices completely neutralize the bitterness of the arugula and other greens. The result is a delicious, high energy pick me up drink to enjoy anytime, except perhaps at bedtime!