Green Smoothies

Green Foods Go Mainstream

Green Foods Go Mainstream

What's been in the news lately ---from the New York Times to a parents' newsletter in a Glenview Illinois public school? What is more nutrient dense, calorie for calorie, than just about any other food on the planet? What's packed with nutrients, antioxidants and...

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Boost Your Energy with Cleansing and Detoxification

Boost Your Energy with Cleansing and Detoxification

Periodic deep cleaning is a desirable thing. You may do it to your home, your car, even your pets. But chances are, you don't even think about doing a periodic cleansing of your internal organs. Throughout the ages, various forms of cleansing have been used to rest,...

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Beat That Afternoon Slump

Beat That Afternoon Slump

If you are seeking instant energy, try a green smoothie or other green drink.  Raw juices need virtually no digestion, so the juices are absorbed easily and utilized quickly. Fruits can be included as well, but those dealing with certain health conditions such as...

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