I had the good fortune to interview Dr. Tom O’Bryan, author of "The Autoimmune Fix" and creator of “The Gluten Summit" and the documentary series “Betrayal”. Dr. Tom is also an instructor for the Institute for Functional Medicine, one of the advanced clinical...
Practitioner Corner: Interpretation of Hemoglobin A1C
A Marker for Blood Glucose Control Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) measures the percentage of red blood cells (RBCs) that are saturated with glucose. Saturation of RBCs occurs when blood glucose is elevated. The higher the HbA1c, the higher the estimated average blood...
Practitioner Corner: Iodine – The Overlooked Nutrient
I've been reading a book called "The Iodine Crisis", by Lynne Farrow and it's very informative. I know that there is currently a lot of fear and misinformation floating around. At the RestorativeMedicine Conference, which I attended the first weekend of...
Assessing Your Own Thyroid Function
Thyroid problems leave you feeling tired and unmotivated. Learn to assess yourself and balance your nutrition for better health. Jumpstart your energy with our free 7-day e-course!
Maintaining Iodine Balance for Optimal Energy: Strategies for Overcoming Environmental Antagonists
Iodine is a mineral that's critical to your health and is a very commonly deficient nutrient in the Western world. The soils are depleted of iodine while the sea is replete. Understanding iodine -- iodine function, iodine sources, and signs of iodine deficiency -- is...
The Effective Workout for Thyroid Patients
Thyroid issues are a plague among Americans these days. From overactive, to underactive, goiters, Hashimoto’s, the list goes on. While medication can be used to control these ailments, many are switching to a more natural...
Gluten: Testing, Intestinal Damage and its Role in Autoimmune Disease
In part one of this series, Dr. Ritamarie and Dr. Tom covered the basics about gluten. What is it? Where is it found? What does it do to the body? (listen to part 1 here) In part two, we welcome back guest expert, Dr. Thomas...