What do we do to have a healthy mouth? Most of us are already brushing our teeth twice per day and don't realize that the products we use harm the longevity of our teeth. Trina Felber, founder of Primal Life Organics, has an...
Emotional and Addictive Eating: Strategies for Breaking Free
Emotional eating is something that most people have turned to at some point in their lives when emotions get strong and the desire to turn them off is even stronger. Some people turn to eating when under stress, like a death in the family, an overbearing boss and...
Radio Show: When Hormones are Out of Whack (Encore Presentation)
Hormone imbalance is a very REAL problem, and, guys, we're NOT just talking female stuff here. In addition to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, insulin, cortisol, leptin and the thyroid hormones are all part of your endocrine system, and need to be balanced for...
When Hormones are Out of Whack
Hormone imbalance is a very REAL problem, and, guys, we're NOT just talking female stuff here. In addition to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, insulin, cortisol, leptin and the thyroid hormones are all part of your...