Whether you are a health practitioner, health coach, or someone wanting to break into the health industry, getting your message “out there” in the world can be overwhelming. Pete Vargas, known as the “stage whisperer” has...
Health Coach
Practitioner Corner: 3 Most Commonly Overlooked Strategies for Helping Clients (Part 3 of 3)
Insulin resistance – When you see someone with a large waist in proportion to hips, think insulin resistance. While many people claim to understand insulin resistance, few understand how to truly assess and correct it. It starts with a blood glucose meter, as I...
Practitioner Corner: 3 Most Commonly Overlooked Strategies for Helping Clients (Part 2 of 3)
Remember the tough cases we discussed last week? You remember, the ones where: They’ve gone gluten free – or so they say. Gave up coffee. They’re drinking green drinks almost every day. They exercise, meditate, and get outdoors, yet still they struggle with excess...
Practitioner Corner: 3 Most Commonly Overlooked Strategies for Helping Clients
Have you ever had a client comes to you, and after looking through their health history, it appears they are doing everything right – but they are just not getting the results you would expect? I get these all the time: They’ve gone gluten free – or so they say. They...
Practitioner Corner: The Power of Networking in Building Your Practice
I recently returned from attending a very successful conference with fellow health practitioners. Along with the valuable information that is always so positively received by attendees, participants also routinely give high ratings to the numerous networking...
Practitioner Corner: 3 Tips for Correcting Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion
You are going to encounter people suffering from adrenal fatigue ever day in your practice They won’t necessarily come to you saying I have adrenal fatigue, although may sophisticated health seekers may. The issues they will present with are fatigue, mid afternoon...
Practitioner Corner: Genes and Thyroid
I've been very fascinated with the effects of genes on health. Not that I take the stance of blaming things on genes. Rather it's from the standpoint of modifying the epigenic expression via diet, lifestyle and targeted supplementation. Here’s something from Dr. Ben...
Practitioner Corner: Goldenseal – It’s not just for Infections Anymore!
Research establishes a clear link for Insulin Resistance Reversing effects of Berberine Goldenseal has long been used by herbalists and holistic practitioners as an anti infective and immune stimulating herb. The most active constituent, berberine, also found in...
Practitioner Corner: How to Get Your Clients to Make Easier Dietary Changes by First Reducing Sugar Cravings!
Your suggestions are great and probably work beautifully - if you can get your clients to follow-up! When I am on a mission to balance a client's blood sugar, of course one of the recommendations is to eliminate sugar and all its relatives, bread and other high carb...
Practitioner Corner: Olive Leaf for Insulin Resistance
Last week,we discussed intermittent fasting as a tool for managing blood sugar and weight. Continuing on with blood sugar balance tools, this week, I would like to share some compelling research about a relatively new twist for a popular herb. ...