Many people know that hormone imbalance is a major issue. Our stress levels are at an all time high, and this causes our hormones to misfire, false fire, or not fire at all in the elegant way that our bodies are designed to do. One of the first and basic levels of...
healthy eating
Maintaining Iodine Balance for Optimal Energy: Strategies for Overcoming Environmental Antagonists
Iodine is a mineral that's critical to your health and is a very commonly deficient nutrient in the Western world. The soils are depleted of iodine while the sea is replete. Understanding iodine -- iodine function, iodine sources, and signs of iodine deficiency -- is...
The Power of Your Plate: How to Eat For Energy and Hormone Balance
What you put on your plate directly effects your energy balance, your mood and how much you can accomplish with your life. Some foods are energizing, others energy zapping. Some combinations of food work well in your body, while others do not. Join Dr. Ritamarie and...
7 Pillars of Vibrant Health: How to Generate the Energy You Need to Get Off the Couch and on With Your Life
Do any of these sound like you? "Sometimes I feel so confused and mentally off that I can't pay attention to even simple conversations. It feels like I'm in a perpetual fog." "I'm too tired to nurture the romance in my...
Over 40; Fit and Fabulous!
If you’re like many of us, your 20’s were a blur. During your 30’s you raised a family and found yourself. Now you’re 40+ and in the prime of your life. It’s been said that staying in shape after 40 is tough. Releasing weight is...
Healthy Travel Tips
Summer is upon us and with it comes a heavy travel season. So many just throw caution to the wind and eat whatever they want while traveling because they feel eating healthy is difficult when on the road. Why? Social pressures...
Self-Love: It’s Time We Practiced It
Have you tried everything but still feel inadequate, miserable and overweight? Do you continually invest in diet books, corporate programs, fasting pills, counseling, your own will power…and nothing works? Do you know you need something different but aren’t...
Quick Lunch Ideas to Keep Your Blood Sugar Steady, Your Belly Flat and Your Brain Clear and Sharp
What you eat DOES matter. Are you one who uses the excuse that you don’t have time to prepare healthy meals for yourself? Well guess what…healthy food does not have to take hours to prepare. Dr. Ritamarie will give you some great...