Insulin resistance – When you see someone with a large waist in proportion to hips, think insulin resistance. While many people claim to understand insulin resistance, few understand how to truly assess and correct it. It starts with a blood glucose meter, as I...
Insulin Resistance Solution Practitioner Training
Practitioners Corner: The importance of blood sugar testing
Getting your clients to check their blood sugar could literally save their lives. It’s that important. But what I’ve found from previous programs I’ve taught to practitioners is that many don’t routinely focus on this important baseline test for their clients or even...
Practitioner Corner: Goldenseal – It’s not just for Infections Anymore!
Research establishes a clear link for Insulin Resistance Reversing effects of Berberine Goldenseal has long been used by herbalists and holistic practitioners as an anti infective and immune stimulating herb. The most active constituent, berberine, also found in...
Practitioner Corner: How to Get Your Clients to Make Easier Dietary Changes by First Reducing Sugar Cravings!
Your suggestions are great and probably work beautifully - if you can get your clients to follow-up! When I am on a mission to balance a client's blood sugar, of course one of the recommendations is to eliminate sugar and all its relatives, bread and other high carb...
Practitioner Corner: Olive Leaf for Insulin Resistance
Last week,we discussed intermittent fasting as a tool for managing blood sugar and weight. Continuing on with blood sugar balance tools, this week, I would like to share some compelling research about a relatively new twist for a popular herb. ...
Practitioner Corner: Meal Spacing and Intermittent Fasting
As we discussed last week, a lot of misinformation abounds about the ideal spacing of meals. The ultimate solution, in my opinion, is suggesting things that are consistent with the biochemistry and then testing with each individual. I have worked with hundreds of...
Practitioner Corner: Blood Sugar Imbalances and Meal Spacing to Help Clients Lose Belly Fat
Popular press tells us to eat many small meals throughout the day to achieve optimal lean to fat ratio. The theory is that constantly eating revs up the metabolism and triggers fat loss. After many of my patients reported that they had tried this approach and gained...
Practitioner Corner: 3 Most Commonly Overlooked Strategies for Helping Clients (Part 3 of 3)
Insulin resistance – When you see someone with a large waist in proportion to hips, think insulin resistance. While many people claim to understand insulin resistance, few understand how to truly assess and correct it. It starts with a blood glucose meter, as I...
Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly!
The clock is ticking. Spring will be here before we know it. We've already "sprung" our clocks ahead. Soon it will be June and my first son will graduate from high school.How in the world did that happen?I feels like it was just yesterday when he first learned to...