keto salad

Heart Healthy Vegan Keto Arugula Slaw with Tahini Dressing

Heart Healthy Vegan Keto Arugula Slaw with Tahini Dressing

When it's scorching outside, I always crave something cool and crunchy to beat the heat. One of my all-time favorites is this Arugula Slaw. It's one of those go-to salad recipes that’s perfect for a sweltering day. It’s not just delicious; it’s also heart-healthy and...

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“NOT” Tuna Salad: A Vegan Keto Tuna Salad Alternative

“NOT” Tuna Salad: A Vegan Keto Tuna Salad Alternative

When I think back to lunches on those lazy summer afternoons, one go-to was always cooling tuna salad sandwiches with crunchy sweet pickle relish on squishy white bread with lots of mayo. The creamy, savory flavors usually paired with fresh tomatoes were always a...

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