What do we do to have a healthy mouth? Most of us are already brushing our teeth twice per day and don't realize that the products we use harm the longevity of our teeth. Trina Felber, founder of Primal Life Organics, has an impressive story of turning her family's...
leaky gut
Foods that Reduce Belly Fat and Balance Blood Sugar with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Dr Ritamarie’s 5-step, 30-Day System to reset your insulin resistance and repair your metabolism so you can enjoy a slim body, a sharp mind, and super energy!
Why You Need Probiotics in Your Diet
Most of you have heard about probiotics. It's a topic in the news more and more these days. There is also at least one probiotic yogurt advertised on TV that guarantees the relief of digestive symptoms such as gas and bloating. Maybe you know someone who takes a...
Practitioner Corner: Leaky Gut – When Eating Good Food Makes You Feel Bad
I hope you're enjoying this blog post series, and that you are seeing why it is so important to ask your client the right in-depth questions as well as know the most useful functional testing available for a given set of symptoms. The previous blog post on...
Practitioner Corner: What is Going on When Eating More Greens Backfires!
Have you ever had a client who you thought would respond to adding greens to their diets and it backfired? It's rare, but I thought I would give you a few clues as to what might be going on. As health practitioners, we strive to get our clients to eat more greens...
2013: The Year You Reset Your Metabolism, Reach Your Ideal Weight, and Heal Your Body
Dr Ritamarie’s 5-step, 30-Day System to reset your insulin resistance and repair your metabolism so you can enjoy a slim body, a sharp mind, and super energy!
Vibrant Health Insights Through Pottery: The “Art” of Following Through
Dr Ritamarie’s 5-step, 30-Day System to reset your insulin resistance and repair your metabolism so you can enjoy a slim body, a sharp mind, and super energy!