Have you ever had a client comes to you, and after looking through their health history, it appears they are doing everything right – but they are just not getting the results you would expect? I get these all the time: They’ve gone gluten free – or so they say. They...
Radio Show: Your Liver, Parasites, and the Healing Crisis
Hosts: Lynn DeBuhr Johnson and Jane Guyette In this show you'll learn: The function of the liver and what can go wrong Different parasites and how they affect your liver A process you can use to rejuvenate your liver Check Out Health Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with...
The Critical Role of Detoxification in Hormone Balance
Many people know that hormone imbalance is a major issue. Our stress levels are at an all time high, and this causes our hormones to misfire, false fire, or not fire at all in the elegant way that our bodies are designed to do. One of the first and basic levels of...
Kick Fatigue to the Curb and Cleanse Your Liver!
Due to unforseen circumstances today's show is being postponed. We will be airing a replay of Dr. Ritamarie's interview with Julia Schopick - 4 Treatments Your Doctors May Not Know About Your liver is primarily responsible for removing toxins from the body. Exposure...
Detox Strategies
Does wading your way through detox programs leave you feeling confused? Find the best solution that’s just right for you.