natural cancer cures

Radio Show: Stop Making Cancer (Encore Presentation)

“It’s not often difficult getting rid of the cancer…The problem is keeping it gone.” – Thomas Lodi, MD If just eliminating the cancer was the solution, then the cure rate for cancer would be significantly higher. We all have cancer cells in our bodies. When you create...

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Healing Cancer Naturally

Healing Cancer Naturally

In part 1 of this series, Dr. Ritamarie and Dr. Lodi covered what cancer really is, and the various stages of cancer. There is a cure for cancer; it is called a healthy immune system.  Hence, it is essential (required) that the immune system be nourished and fortified...

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Stop Making Cancer

“It’s not often difficult getting rid of the cancer…The problem is keeping it gone.” – Thomas Lodi, MD If just eliminating the cancer was the solution, then the cure rate for cancer would be significantly higher. We all have cancer cells in our body. When you create...

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