You will likely have many obese clients come to you with health problems. Obesity is a growing problem in the U.S, as well as the whole world. A parent or a child may come see you for symptoms that they may not associate with their obesity or daily diet. Perhaps they...
nutrition education
Raw Foods Diet for Raising Healthy Children
Find out how you can access a teleclass with Karen Ranzi, author of the groundbreaking new book, Raising Healthy Children through Attachment Parenting and Living Foods.
How Would You Like to Use Your Passion For Healthy Living to Empower Others to Overcome Their Health Challenges?
It's happened to me, and many of my friends and colleagues as well. I hear stories all the time. It may even be happening to you. You or someone you love has had an amazing turn around in health as a result of applying healthy living, exercise, herbs...
Whole Foods is Promoting Junk Halloween Treats
Make your voices known. I don’t know about you, but to me the incidence of childhood cancer, immune system diseases and brain dysfunction amongst kids these days is alarming. It’s all preventable.
Still spaces in Living on Live Food Saturday October 20
Living on Live Foods Level 1: Bringing the Healing power of Raw and Living Foods into your Life!
Fall 2007 Raw and Living Foods Events
Learn to make delicious living foods and enjoy a meal with new friends!
Making Healthy Food a Hit with Kids
Learn how to feed your kids quick and easy meals that provide them with the nutrients they need to be happy, healthy and well adjusted!