Spring is upon us; and much like you reset your household clocks for the recent time-change, it is also important to reset your own body clock as well. Time to drag yourself out of your winter cocoon, and get active again! And it is also a good time to detox and...
nutritional endocrinology practitioner training
Practitioner Corner: When Eating More Greens is Not a Good Idea
As health practitioners, we strive to get our clients to eat more greens ---leafies, brassicas, sprouts, sea vegetables --- because they are brimming with nutrition and antioxidant protection. Most of the time, the extra greens result in increased energy, a...
Tips and Resources for Supporting your Adrenals
Do you ever wake up in the morning, even after a long night of sleep, only to feel sluggish and wishing you had another few hours to rest? This is one of many signs of adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is a common condition in our fast paced, stressed out society. Your...
How Do You Solve Complex Health Issues?
Your new client comes in and lays her story on the line. She feels desperate, has "tried everything", seen a bunch of practitioners, both conventional and holistic, yet still she suffers. Unfortunately, the other doctors were unable to solve complex health issues like...
Practitioner Corner: Clinical and Holistic Nutrition Training Programs are on the Rise
Have you noticed how many health and wellness coaches are graduating from places like the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and similar schools? I am amazed and excited by it. Thirty years ago, when I was struggling with my own health, holistic practitioners...
Practitioner Corner: Stand Out Among Health and Nutrition Coaches and Holistic Health Professionals
by Becoming a Certified Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Have you noticed how many health and wellness coaches are graduating from places like the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and similar schools? I am amazed and excited by it. Twenty eight years...
Practitioner Corner: What is Going on When Eating More Greens Backfires!
Have you ever had a client who you thought would respond to adding greens to their diets and it backfired? It's rare, but I thought I would give you a few clues as to what might be going on. As health practitioners, we strive to get our clients to eat more greens...
Practitioner Corner: S.H.I.N.E. in Review
If you joined me at S.H.I.N.E. this past weekend, you know that I set the bar high for the quality of care we need to be providing to our clients. Conventional medicine is just not fully using all the assessments available to help people uncover the true cause of...