Host and Guest: Dr. Ritamare interviews Heather Tick, M.D. Date and Time: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 3:30 PM PT/4:30 PM MT/ 5:30 PM CT/6:30 PM ET Length of Show: 45 minutes In this show you'll learn: What does food have anything to do with pain Why not to just...
Radio Show: You Change Your Body Chemistry Every Time You Eat
Host and Guest Speaker: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo interviews Heather Tick, MD In this show you'll learn: What does food have anything to do with pain Why not to just use drugs to manage pain How to manage your pain Background: Chronic pain is a growing problem,...
Green Smoothie Cleansing for Autumn Seasonal Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
Autumn can be a beautiful time of the year. Depending on where you live, you can see the leaves change into gorgeous brilliant colors. The air becomes crisper. You can break out your favorite sweaters and boots. You start to wind down from the summer and shift into...
Free Yourself from chronic PAIN and Inflammation
If you suffer from the discomfort of unexplained health symptoms, pain, or inflammation, find out if hidden food allergies are stealing your energy and how to heal your leaky gut.
Solutions for Pain and Inflammation
What are pain and inflammation, and why is it important that we learn about this? Statistics show that inflammation is rampant in our society. How many people do you know that are dealing with some sort of a disease or condition that ends in "itis"? It could be...
Pain and Inflammation From Food Allergies: How to Live an “Itis” and “Algia” Free Life
If you suffer from the discomfort of unexplained health symptoms, pain, or inflammation, find out if hidden food allergies are stealing your energy and how to heal your leaky gut.