
Important Updates for Healthy Living

  Wow! Can you believe it’s almost February already? This month has zoomed by. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to create my full featured e-newsletter in over a month! Good news, though. I have help and I’m committed to sending it out the second Thursday each month. Each issue will have a recipe, featured food, health article about something new or noteworthy, a featured health success story, and some personal news. ***Seeking Newsletter Contributors*** I’m really excited to announce that I’m looking for contributors to the newsletter. Are you a talented living foods chef, or someone who makes delicious food and would like to share recipes? Have a favorite “health food” that you’d like to write an article about, and tell the world about its health benefits and how it’s used? Or do you or a close family member or friend have a really inspiring health transformation story to share? We’re looking for contributions,and if yours is selected, you’ll get published in the newsletter along with your bio and website, or other contact info of your choosing. Your contributions will also be considered for inclusion in an e-book. Go here for all the details. […]

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Gratitude for the Gift of Health

  [email protected] Tell a friend! Forward this email to a friend! Not subscribed yet? Don’t miss an issue!   Hi Everyone, Instead of a full issue of Creating Vibrant Health Tips this week, I decided to keep it short and sweet, to provide a resource to help you through the holidays without compromising your health. I’m in Chicago visiting my husband’s family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Every day there has been some event, usually centered around food.  Today there was a food orgy at a local restaurant in honor of my mother in laws 87th birthday.  I couldn’t believe the quantity of food that was served. It was family style and the food just kept coming.  And it was all centered around white flour (pasta), cheese and meat.  There were a couple of salads, but they too had the same treo in them…croutons, cheese and chicken.  Fortunately, we’d ordered gluten free vegan for my family, and we were served a huge salad with avocado and corn spaghetti with sauteed broccoli and spinach.  I opted for just the salad, and they kept filling up my bowl (the meal spanned several hours).  My kids enjoyed the spaghetti and vegetables.  There were […]

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Strategies for Healing Leaky Gut and Chronic Candida Infections

  [email protected] Tell a friend! Forward this email to a friend! Not subscribed yet? Don’t miss an issue! Volume 1, Issue 3 Personal Note from Dr. Ritamarie Teleclasses and Events Feature Article: Strategies for Optimizing Digestion: Healing Leaky Gut and Candida Success Story: Paul Nison’s Transformation and Healing from Inflammatory Bowel Disease Featured Food: Pomegranate Recipes: Pear, Apple, Pomegranate Cobbler; Pomegranate Taffy; Pomegranate Macadamia Nut Butter About Dr. Ritamarie Energy Enhancing Resources Dr. Ritamarie Recommends November 6th, 2009 I’ve learned a lot of lessons this week. It started last Sunday when I had an unexpected day of unplanned connection and fun. I’d had a particuarly busy week the week before…3 coaching programs running at the same time, and each with specific tasks to do…emails, private consultations, teleseminars, group coaching calls, and materials creation. My bad habit, when it comes to my health, is staying up too late. Because of the intensity of the workload I had been going to bed at 3AM or later for 2 weeks. I decided to sleep in on Sunday. After getting up at 10, the plan was to go for a run, then have a green smoothie and do some writing and editing. I’m […]

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