You're ready to start making some changes in your life. It's exciting isn't it! So you get the gym membership or new workout equipment, workout clothes, new shoes, and you're pumped up and ready to go. You go hard and for about a...
ritamarie loscalzo
Foods that Reduce Belly Fat and Balance Blood Sugar with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Dr Ritamarie’s 5-step, 30-Day System to reset your insulin resistance and repair your metabolism so you can enjoy a slim body, a sharp mind, and super energy!
Radio Show: Chemical Consciousness (Encore Presentation)
Listen to or download the replay: Click here to download… Please Note: This call goes past our normal 30 min time and cuts off at 45 min, but can be accessed fully in the replay. Chemicals are everywhere. We see them, use them and breathe them daily. But what you may...
Radio Show: 4 Treatments Your Doctors May Not Know About (Encore)
Julia Schopick believes there are 4 treatments that doctors really should prescribe routinely for life-threatening conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy and liver disease. Yet, because of concerns that have nothing to do...
2013: The Year You Reset Your Metabolism, Reach Your Ideal Weight, and Heal Your Body
Dr Ritamarie’s 5-step, 30-Day System to reset your insulin resistance and repair your metabolism so you can enjoy a slim body, a sharp mind, and super energy!
Vibrant Health Insights Through Pottery: The “Art” of Following Through
Dr Ritamarie’s 5-step, 30-Day System to reset your insulin resistance and repair your metabolism so you can enjoy a slim body, a sharp mind, and super energy!
The Secrets to Longevity and Vibrant Health
As we head toward the finish line of 2012 and the starting line of 2013, we enter the time of year where two things happen. First, people tend to indulge and over indulge during the holidays. They throw caution to the wind and...
The Difference Between Success and Failure
This Week on Vibrant Health Solutions Radio: Thursday, September 13 8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET Regardless of what changes you are undertaking in your life, whether it is dietary, exercise, quitting smoking, creating new...
Make Your Workout Fun!
Exercise. A word dreaded by many, loved by others. It’s what helps keep our bodies in shape, strong and ready to take on the world. Without it, we turn into couch potatoes with pot bellies and a myriad of health issues. If you...
5 Tips to Keep Your Green Intake High – Even When You’re Busy
Dark green leafy vegetables are perhaps the most potent superfood on the planet. They are also the most ignored and avoided foods as well. Leafy green vegetables have more nutrition per calorie than any other food. Greens are a...