You will likely have many obese clients come to you with health problems. Obesity is a growing problem in the U.S, as well as the whole world. A parent or a child may come see you for symptoms that they may not associate with...
school lunches
Practitioner Corner: Childhood Obesity Needs to Stop!
I noticed the other day that September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. While it is now October, I thought it would still be good to bring this to your attention, especially with Hallowe'en just around the corner. Childhood obesity is an epidemic. In...
Packing “Brain Food” in Your Child’s Back-to-School Lunches
School is in session, and that means a return to schedules and homework, and packing those dreaded school lunches! We all know that the typically high-carb, school-provided lunches are just not good options for our kids. Although I homeschooled my two sons for a good...
Healthy Lunches – Healthy Kids
Back to school is right around the corner and with it comes the lunchtime woes. I hear from parents all the time asking what to send in their kids lunchboxes that they will actually eat. Or how bad will the school lunches really...