You might wonder how I can write an entire blog about giving someone the “gift of gratitude”. What does that even mean? I’m talking about two things, actually. First, YOU really can give someone else the gift of gratitude or appreciation this holiday season. Secondly,...
Practitioner Corner: Helping Clients with Magnesium Deficiencies
With the many festivities around all the different holidays occurring this time of year, many of your clients likely don’t get enough sleep. We know from vast amounts of research that poor sleep causes all kinds of health problems, including hormonal imbalances....
Practitioner Corner: Four Simple Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress!
When I was at the store in early October, I noticed that they were already stocking shelves for the Christmas holiday season. Right there, one aisle over from the Halloween decorations! Yikes! As the seasons change, I know that many of our clients still aren’t ready...
It’s Flu Season – Is Your Immune System Ready?
As temperatures start to drop and the kids are back in school, it won’t be long until the start of the dreaded flu and cold season. Patients often come to me this time of year when they have already become ill and want to know some holistic things that they can do to...
Let’s Do a Health Check – September is “Self-Improvement” Month!
I just read that September is “Self-Improvement” Month! Who knew? But I thought it was a good theme for this time of year. It may have been a lazy summer of what might have been slightly poor eating choices. I know most of us over-indulge at least a little bit over...
Stressed Out About Your Digestion?
Our world today has us living in an extreme high-tech environment. In the period of one day, you can spend up to 10 hours sitting and staring at a computer or other electronic device. As you do this, your body becomes tense. Even ahead of time, your body has an...
Practitioner Corner: Why Exercise is Key to Digestive Health
I spend a lot of time talking to clients about digestive health issues. We usually begin the conversation by discussing what they have been eating that is potentially an issue for them. Food sensitivities are often the culprit here, such as sensitivities with gluten,...
Practitioner Corner: Low Stomach Acid – When Eating Good Food Makes You Feel Bad
The previous blog on leaky gut illustrated why taking an in-depth health history is so important. In today’s blog on low stomach acid, you will once again find that asking the right questions can get you to the root of your client’s true problems. This is the final...
Prescriptions Don’t Find the Root Cause of Your Chronic Symptoms or Disease!
I truly believe we all need to change our mindset and behavior in order to fix today’s health care system. This system is seriously broken. Practitioners like me – and every medical professional AND PATIENT throughout the medical system - need to get out of the...
The Science of Having FUN! It Truly is the Best Medicine!
Someone once told me that if you’re having too much fun in life, you can’t be healthy! I remember saying, “What? That is totally not true! To me, having fun is a requirement for good health!” What do you think? Perhaps that individual’s definition of “fun” is not the...