
Recipe: Delicious Adaptogenic Seaweed Soup

Recipe: Delicious Adaptogenic Seaweed Soup

Adaptogenic Seaweed Soup This recipe was inspired by Truth Calkins at a Longevity Now conference.  I had a cup of seaweed soup at the snack bar and fell in love.  I added a few extra ingredients to do my best to recreate it with my own twists, making it an amazing...

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Guggulu: An Herbal Preparation for Your Thyroid

Guggulu: An Herbal Preparation for Your Thyroid

You have often heard me speak about the benefits of taking the adaptogenic herb ashwagandha to help with your thyroid.  But there is another herbal preparation that I have mentioned that doesn't seem to get as much press - guggulu. It has a name that sounds more like...

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Radio Show : Getting to the Root Cause of Hashimoto’s

Radio Show : Getting to the Root Cause of Hashimoto’s

Listen to or download the replay: Click here to download Host and Guest Speaker: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo interviews Dr. Izabella Wentz In this show you'll learn: What symptoms are experienced by people with Hashimoto's What some of the underlying root causes of...

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Practitioner Corner:  Genes and Thyroid

Practitioner Corner: Genes and Thyroid

I've been very fascinated with the effects of genes on health. Not that I take the stance of blaming things on genes. Rather it's from the standpoint of modifying the epigenic expression via diet, lifestyle and targeted supplementation. Here’s something from Dr. Ben...

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