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It seems like the weeks are going by really fast and the year is soon to come to a close. Halloween is just a week away, starting the seemingly continuous stream of holidays until the year ends.
So begins the food orgy that leaves most Americans feeling flabby, foggy, and fatigued by the time the New Year rolls around. It's a vicious cycle that seems never ending.
You may say each time that, “This year will be different.” But it's soooo tempting to indulge “just one more time.”
The regret on January 1st is intense and the resolutions fly.
The truth is most people never lose all the weight they put on around the holidays. As the years roll on, waistlines get bigger and bigger.
For many, this year will be different.
I'm guiding over 120 people through a transformation that offers coaching all the way through the end of the year. We'll have holiday strategies, recipes, and — above all — support and accountability.
My kids are older now, both teenagers, and Halloween isn't such a big deal anymore. When they were little though, there was a lot of fanfare, and I developed strategies so they'd be able to celebrate the specialness of the holiday without eating all the sugar. I share all my strategies, stories, and recipes in my book Healthy Halloween Treats, available on Amazon or HERE.
They loved the recipes for Banana Ghosts and Chocolate Covered Apples, but you'll also find spooky creations like Chocolate Spiders, Blood Punch, and Swampsicles!
I miss the celebration, but the memories live on. Now they are more interested in the House of Horrors than trick or treating, and that's okay. We had a grand time year after year with our candy swap, special treats, and candle-spooky decorations.
If you're taking part in the 10-Day Healthy Halloween Green Smoothie Challenge, I look forward to sharing some of my strategies on a call next week with Tera Warner. Speaking of green smoothies, if you're a local in Austin, Texas, then I hope you'll join me tonight with the Green Smoothie Girl, Robyn Openshaw! I'll be joining her tonight for a LIVE class that teaches you how to get started with green smoothies to maximize your nutrition.
You can come out and enjoy some delicious green smoothie samples! Registration is free, so reserve your ticket! You'll find all the details in the Events section of the newsletter.
Under Events you'll also find details for my upcoming call with Michelle Melendez for the Women Getting Fit Tele-Series: Double Your Energy Balance Your Life. And, if you register right away, you'll also be able to catch the recording of my call for the Just BEE Women's Wellness Series. It's available for 48 hours!
The chill may not be in the air here in Texas yet, but the spirit of the holiday season is brewing! Now's the time to plan for the parties and potlucks with dishes that won't dash your hopes for a healthy holiday. Click HERE to find out more!
Enjoy a wonderful weekend!
Much love, health, and joy,
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
P.S. Good News!
How Your Emotions Are Essential to Recovery
By Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
What would you do if you or a close loved one got the dreaded news…
…the “C-word”?
How would you handle it?
As I mentioned last week, my 17-year old has already had enough exposure to failed cancer treatments and loss of loved ones that he's already decided he would have no part of conventional therapy. He'd be happy to slosh down wheat grass juice, or even cardboard for that matter, if he thought it would nourish him back to health.
Raised on a healthy, whole foods high-green vegan diet since birth, he's a strapping young man of 17. No scrawniness about him. He's lean, muscular, and strong. He needs to be to get up at the crack of dawn to swim 3 or more miles every day then work out in the weight room.
He's convinced he's doing all the right things to protect himself from disease. Other than a broken arm about 4 years ago, he hasn't been to a doctor since he was 7 after his brother jumped on his head in the swimming pool. When he complained of a headache several hours later, I took precautions to get a second opinion to be sure he didn't have a hidden brain injury. He was fine.
And this is how it should be.
“C” is for Choices
We all make daily choices about what to eat, how to move, when to sleep and how to think and feel.
Yes, we do decide how to feel.
Not consciously necessarily, but it is a decision on some level.
Most people think feelings happen as a result of circumstances. Someone dies; we feel sad. A baby is born, and we feel happy.
I learned in freshman psychology class many years ago that there was really an A-B-C model at play:
- Activating event (stimulus) filtered through a
- Belief system (and subsequent thoughts) results in the
- Consequence (emotion).
A circumstance arises and our belief system triggers a thought about it, which triggers an emotion.
The emotion then sets off a cascade of physiologic and biochemical changes which leads to either healing or disease, depending on whether the emotion triggered is positive or negative.
So what does this have to do with cancer where this article started?
Healing the Emotions that Cause Cancer My radio show guest yesterday, Timea Havas, believes feelings and emotions have everything to do with cancer. In fact, she was given up as incurable by the medical doctors 22 years ago when she was diagnosed with cancer, a rare blood disorder, and liver problems.
Did she give up and take on the death sentence they offered her?
She went on a mission to heal herself and what she discovered opened her eyes to a whole new world.
Can thought and feelings really create disease? And more importantly, can they help you to heal?
Decide for yourself.
Listen to the life-changing recording of Part 1 and catch the future show, Part 2, this coming Thursday. We'll be looking for a volunteer, someone who is currently struggling with cancer or a cancer survivor, to join us next week. If you would like help identify the underlying emotional disharmony contributing to your disease and getting guidance for changing it, be one of the first five people on the radio show line next week (you'll find more details here).
Having lost so many relatives and friends to cancer, I am so touched by the work Timea is doing. She's worked with 108 cancer patients, many 4th stage and some with only weeks to live. 106 are cancer free. That blows away the success rate of conventional treatment.
The catch is, you need to be an active participant in your recovery with the emotional work Timea does. There's no playing victim and allowing yourself to have your treatment dictated and just hoping for a positive outcome.
Listen to the archive, and then join us next week!
There are also not-to-be-missed additional resources for understanding natural cancer prevention and treatment here!
While I don't believe it's prudent to just deal with the emotions without also looking at the lifestyle and diet factors that contribute, I also think that just looking at the diet and lifestyle factors offers limited success.
An oncologist I admire, Dr. Lodi in Arizona, told me that his first appointment with a new patient is spent MOSTLY talking about the attitude shifts that are needed for a successful outcome.
With all these resources at our disposal, I feel hopeful that the current epidemic of cancer will turn around soon.
and Information Night
Once a month, you can join us LIVE in Austin, Texas for a local raw food potluck where you can:
- Meet like-minded people and make new friends.
- Learn new and exciting recipes.
- Gather valuable health and nutrition information.
- Feel supported on your health quest.
Click HERE to learn more about the event and find out all the details on what to bring and what to expect.
Asthma, Autism, Atopic Disorders, Asperger's, and Allergies.
Learn How They Can Eat for Healthy A's:
Academic Excellence, Awesome Health, and Attentional Superiority
In this workshop, Karen Ranzi will guide you on the path to creating happy and healthy children, confident of their disease-free future. Rather than medicate your child's asthma, ear infections, chronic allergies and attention deficit disorder, Karen's holistic approach simply eliminates the causes of health, weight, and learning problems through a healthful, fresh food lifestyle.
She will share the value of understanding the biological and emotional needs of children. You will learn the importance of obtaining the best possible nourishment for your family. Karen shares delicious kid-tested recipes and reveals terrific tips for children of all ages in how to improve their diet. There is a wealth of information in this workshop for everyone, children and adults.
About Karen: Author, lecturer and raw food consultant, Karen Ranzi, has authored Creating Healthy Children: Through Attachment Parenting and Raw Foods. She has been interviewed on TV and radio on the topics of vegetarian and raw food parenting.
In addition to her work in nutrition, Karen holds a Masters degree in speech pathology from New York University, and is a speech therapist working with children of all ages for over 30 years, specializing with autistic children for the past 10 years. By means of her education, life-changing personal experiences, and sincere desire to share her message, Karen has been able to guide thousands toward developing excellent health.
Potluck Time: 6:30 p.m. (Central Daylight Time)
Workshop Time: 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Location: 9508 Bell Mountain Drive, Austin, Texas 78730
Price: $10 Donation to Karen
To RSVP, Call Dr. Ritamarie at (512) 349-9677 or
(512) 507-6063
You can attend our Raw Food University Classes live and in person and get to sample the delicious raw food recipes or learn to make these dishes from the comfort of your own home.
Either way, you get a recipe guide e-book and fully indexed online video class you can watch over and over.
- December 10th, 2011 – Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish
Check back here soon for more details to be announced!
Celebrate and Rejuvenate!
Presented by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, Karen Osborne, and Pamela Weems
Whether you're entertaining for the holidays or looking for that perfect dish to take to a party or potluck, you'll find a recipe in this class that will raise eyebrows and delight taste buds!
Not only will these dishes meet all your expectations when it comes to elegance and taste, they also come with a fat-pant-busting guarantee that you won't pack on the extra holiday pounds when you stick to these dairy-free, sugar-free, and gluten-free whole food options. Register for this class and learn how to make nourishing and nutritious holiday dishes that will make your next party platter a hit including:
- healthy hor d'oeuvres
- fresh finger foods
- appetite-friendly appetizers
- to-die-for desserts that boost longevity
Remember, all recipes are made with 100% gluten free, dairy free whole fresh foods – no sugar, no processed oils, no grains, and no cooking!
and all the recipes in a PDF e-Book!
If you register for Party and Potluck Nibbles that Nourish online webinar by October 31st, you can also enjoy access to the Eating for Hormone Balance webinar recording for the pre-release price of just $19.95!
You never have to worry about missing a class! All of our delicious, health-boosting Raw Food University classes are recorded. You can access videos and recipes in PDF format for any of our past classes including:
You'll find a complete list of past classes available HERE.
Radically Change Your Nutrition
in Just 10 Minutes a Day!
Come on out Austin!
A FREE event featuring The Green Smoothie Girl, Robyn Openshaw
and the Green Smoothies of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
This is a great opportunity for folks in Austin, Texas to get together and meet new people who are interested in meeting new friends who believe in better health. If you have friends who are curious or interested in raw foods then THIS is the class to start them with!
Join me with Robyn Openshaw on Friday, October 21st at 6:00 p.m. central daylight time for a free Green Smoothie Girl class, demo, and book signing. Learn to radically change your nutrition in just 10 minutes a day, and leave inspired and empowered to transition to a whole-foods diet!
I'll be serving up samples of delicious green smoothies and Robyn will be presenting information and research on how living foods can help with…
- Boosted energy
- Better digestion
- Weight loss
- Less cravings for junk food
- Beautiful skin and hair
- Happier moods
- More mojo
Raffle tickets are available for purchase online here or the night of the class for a chance at a brand-new BlendTec blender along with many other Robyn-favorites.
Please come and invite your friends to this inspiring presentation. We want as many people as possible to hear this message of good health.
Wow! One easy way to do that is to invite all your local friends through a Facebook invite. Just click on “Select Guests to Invite” under the photo and mark all of your local friends.
We can't wait to see you there!
6:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time
Trinity United Methodist Church
4001 Speedway
Austin, TX
Click HERE for your FREE registration ticket!
Featuring Dr. Ritamarie
You can get access to a number of events and natural health summits that I'll be participating in this fall. Here are some of the feature events you can explore:
Just B.E.E. Women's Wellness Tele-Series with Cassandra Herbert
The Just BEE Women's Wellness Series will run from Sunday, October 9th – Wednesday, November 10th, 2011 — bringing you 26 speakers who will address a range of topics devoted to your mind, body, and spiritual wellness.
That's five weeks devoted just to women! For women, by women! Let this be the year you take control of your own health and well-being! Join us LIVE – and for FREE – as 26 dynamic speakers take you on a journey of health and wellness across the life span.
October 20th, 2011 – Energy Recharge Strategies For a Flat Belly, Focused Mind and Passionate, Purposeful Life
Call is Available for free for 48 Hours!
How would it be to get your body out of the way of your success and joy? As an ambitious woman with a mission, you may all too often take shortcuts when it comes to self care and end up burning out before breaking through. Stress, overwork and less than optimal food choices most often leads to excess belly fat, brain fog, low energy, out of whack hormones and a myriad of pesky symptoms that zap your joy and flatten your passion.
Join me and learn:
- Simple strategies to jump start your energy, practically overnight.
- Enjoyable diet habits that flatten your belly, focus your mind, and fight fatigue!
- Powerful activities that stop your hormones from keeping you flabby, foggy and fatigued.
Women Getting Fit TeleSeries: Double Your Energy Balance Your Life with Michelle Melendez
You can say good-bye to being overweight, tired, and feeling overwhelmed. Starting October 11th at 12pm PST you get a rare opportunity to learn the fastest, easiest and most reliable way too “Double Your Energy and Balance Your Life!”
Register now and watch the free presentation: “The Quickest and Safest Way to Release 10-20 lbs FAST!”
Mending your Metabolism for High Octane Health
Low energy keeps your dreams at arm's length. You may see them in the distance, but you're too drained to take the steps required to bag them. Refueling your energy tank is easier than you think …when you follow the guidelines.
Join me for the series and get ready to learn:
- A mind-blowing mind game to calm your spirit, lighten your heart and refuel your energy tank.
- 3 magnificent meals that detox your body, energize your cells, and delight your palate.
- Magical movements that rev up your engine, burn away fat, and recharge your energy.
The 10-Day Green Smoothie Healthy Halloween Challenge
Let's face it, Halloween is scary. Candy corn waiting on every office desk; pumpkin shaped chocolates and gumdrops; bite sized festively wrapped candies shared at school snack-time!
It feels like there's no where to hide! Halloween sweets and treats are abundant this time of year making it even harder for you and your family to practice wellness, stay healthy, and eat more fruits and veggies! Tera Warner has put together a 10-Day Green Smoothie Challenge that promises a toast of cold, slimy, green, frothy goodness! While you wriggle your nose pretending to be disgusted, your kids will be guzzling greens!
Sign up now to get the recipes, tips, and tricks to make this a healthy holiday AND catch my chilling call with Tera:
The Bitter Truth About Sweet Foods:
What White Sugar Does to Your Immune System and How to Heal It When the Damage Has Been Done
The 10-Day Healthy Halloween challenge takes place from October 24th – November 2nd and will make THIS Halloween fresh and a little less frightening for you and your kids' health!
Dr. Ritamarie's Vibrant Health Solutions Radio Show: combining experience, education, and practical advice to make healthful eating fun again! Click here to learn more.
Future Show Schedule:
- Thursday, Oct. 27th – Uncovering the Emotions Behind Cancer and How You Can Heal: Part 2
Uncovering the Emotions Behind Cancer and How You Can Heal – Part 2 – Thursday, October 27th, 2011
Timea Havas is a therapist who specializes in helping people heal and prevent cancer by addressing and working through specific emotional patterns relevant to cancer. Each cancer (or illness) has its own specific emotional components and when these are addressed this significantly contributes to the person's healing and can often be the difference between life or death.
If you have a life threatening illness or any health challenge you must know that your condition is NOT a punishment, but rather an opportunity to discover who you truly are. Through a unique process of self-discovery called Energetic Emotional Shifting™, you can learn how to take control over your own healing to become a much happier and healthier person; one who is also cancer-free!!
In Part 2 of this series, Timea Havas will share with you:
- How to become more aware of your emotions; understand where they originate from and their meaning with special emphasis on the manifestation of disease and cancer
- How you can become a greater vibration of love to create health and happiness for yourself and those around you
Click here to learn how you can call in and volunteer to be heard on the show as mentioned in Dr. Ritamarie's Feature Article. You can also find out how to access free gifts from Timea.
Join Dr. Ritamarie and Timea for this life-saving call:
8:00 am PT, 9:00 am MT, 10:00 am CT, 11:00 am ET
Click here to attend the show!
But fall also brings with it the cold and flu season. Halloween is especially difficult as many people load up their bodies on immune-weakening sugary treats.
This year, boost your immune system so you can ward off attack.
Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn what you can do to stay healthy this flu season… and what you can do if you do end up sick!
Or for you computer folks…how about opening a new browser window only to sit and stare at it trying to remember what website you were about to go to?
How often do you call your kids by the wrong name?
It's not old age. It's not senility. Well maybe it could be…but most likely you are suffering from brain fog.
Brain fog is real…and thousands of people suffer from it on a daily basis. Your mind feels cloudy… muddled. It's hard to stay focused on any one thing for a long period of time. You just feel like you aren't thinking straight and maybe even have a hard time making decisions.
What causes brain fog? Here's a hint… it's what's in your kitchen! Sugar, caffeine, gluten, dairy… all of these contribute to poor memory, dull senses and cloudy thinking. Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn how you can lift the clouds and get your memory sharpened!
Check out Dr. Ritamarie's FREE new video series, Bye-Bye Belly Fat, Brain Fog and Burnout
Self-Love: It's Time We Practiced It Guest, Laura Fenamore, was 100 pounds overweight. She drank too much. She was bulimic. She smoked. She tried different diets without success. She believed that she would live her life addicted to food and unhappy until she died.
Then one day the unconditional love of a guardian angel brought her to a realization: All those dysfunctional behaviors sprang from a feeling that she was unloved. Most importantly, she realized she didn't love herself. Laura flipped an internal switch.
She began down the path to love of self. Her heart opened. She let go of the self-destructive forces that made her hate what she saw in the mirror. She changed her behaviors and attained a healthy weight. She has maintained that healthy weight — and a healthy body image — for 24 years.
It's time to learn how to love, accept and respect your body!
- Have you tried everything but still feel inadequate, miserable and overweight?
- Do you continually invest in diet books, corporate programs, fasting pills, counseling, your own will power…and nothing works?
- Do you know you need something different but aren't exactly sure what that is?
- Are you seeking an answer and ready to take action?
Join Dr. Ritamarie and Laura Fenamore as they share tips and ways you can begin to love yourself and transform into the picture of health and beauty.
Be sure and check out Laura's upcoming 12-week program, Body Image Mastery.
She's a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, HeartMath® and Herbal Medicine as well as a certified raw and living foods instructor, chef and coach. She's the author and co-author of several gluten-free vegan and raw foods recipe books including: Power Breakfast Ideas, Deliciously Quick Lunch and Dinner, Healthy Halloween Treats, Dessert: Making it Rich Without Oil and Dried and Gone to Heaven.
She's also the creator of many successful online courses designed to restore people to the health, energy, and vitality they need to live full and vibrant lives.
Hosted by Kevin Gianni
If you've been affected by cancer, you have to see this…
It's a video that shares the personal story of cancer that I think you might want to check out. Recently, health author Kevin Gianni decided to do something to bring cancer experts, the ones you DON'T get to hear about, to the forefront. His own family has been affected by cancer twice – his father died and mother went through chemotherapy and surgery for breast cancer.
You can see his story here in this video I'd like you to see…
Starting October 25th, 2011, he's asked 9 of the top natural cancer doctors and researchers to share what they're doing in their clinics throughout the world.
This special, free online event is called the “Healing Cancer World Summit” and you can register here (it's free)…
The event registration is open until October 25th, but be sure to register NOW and you'll get three special bonus gifts that you can access right away while you're waiting for the kickoff.
If you're vegan, vegetarian, a raw food enthusiast, a food allergy sufferer or someone who's concerned about health and fitness, this can be the answer to your Prayers!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and if you're a vegan, vegetarian, raw food enthusiast, food allergy sufferer or just someone who wants to eat more healthfully and manage your weight, this is a challenging time of year.
Food temptations abound, as does pressure from often well meaning friends and family members who want to be sure you're enjoying the bounty. Find out more here…
With Halloween just around the corner, you may be looking for recipes that won't raise the hair on the back of your neck when you read the ingredients! You can find a whole collection of fresh and frightening ideas in my Healthy Halloween Treats book:
Swamp Smoothie
- 1/2 – 2 inch thick section of a fresh pineapple
- 2 bananas, fresh or frozen and cut into chunks
- 1 cup frozen strawberries or blueberries
- 4 handfuls baby spinach
- 2 tablespoons raw cacao powder
- Blend all ingredients until smooth. It should be a swampy green color. Adjust cacao and spinach to get the desired shade.
- Serve in Halloween-themed mugs or hollowed-out mini-pumpkins.
You can get more Healthy Halloween green smoothie recipes when you register for the 10-Day Halloween Challenge! Register HERE!
You're welcome to share any of the articles in this newsletter. When you do, please use the article in its entirety and include this complete blurb with it:
Internationally recognized speaker, author and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Woman's Fatigue Expert and Vibrant Health Mentor.”