The Pain of Undiagnosed Food Allergies

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A woman experiencing excruciating pain due to undiagnosed food allergies, symbolized by handcuffs on her head.

Undiagnosed food allergies, even to highly nutritious foods like broccoli or blueberries, can induce immune responses that leave you ill.

Here are some scary facts:

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 3 million children under age 18 suffered from food allergies in 2007.  And the incidence is rapidly rising.

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology reports that more than half (54.6%) of all U.S. citizens test positive to one or more allergens, and food allergies affect approximately 6% of young children, and 3-to-4% of adults in the US.

And these are the diagnosed cases.  Many instances of food allergies go undetected, manifesting as chronic symptoms that don't respond to conventional approaches.

If you're tired of being tired, unfocused, and uncomfortable, or if you're sick of the weight that just won't budge despite your best efforts, you owe it to yourself to explore whether food allergies are contributing to your ill health.

Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn how to become energetic, happy, and productive once more.

Check out Dr. Ritamarie's free telecall on food allergies and her Food Allergy Spy Program.

Click here to download…

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  1. Tiara Mary

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