This week's show is about busting up some commonly held myths and misunderstanding about vegetables from the brassica family as they relate to thyroid health.
Many people who are diagnosed with mild to extreme cases of hypothyroidism are told to completely avoid these cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, and cabbage because of their supposed “goitrous” qualities.
Have you ever been told to avoid these foods?
Dr. Ritamarie gets asked about this very subject repeatedly more than just about any other, and she has an answer (this part will shock you)!
Join us for this very special episode of Vibrant Health Solutions Radio, where Dr. Ritamarie will demystify, debunk and clarify this controversial issue once and for all.
Show Day:
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Time: 8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET
Length: 30 Minutes
The show call in number is: (424) 243-9555
At show time, refresh this page and click on the blog talk radio player to the right or go to Blog Talk Radio to listen in:
The episode link is: Vibrant Health Solutions Radio
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In this show learn:
- Why brassica vegetables have gotten such a bad rap.
- If you really have to avoid some of the healthiest, nutrient dense food on the planet.
- Tips for how to eat your favorite cruciferous vegetables that even your thyroid will love!
Additional Resources:
Listen to or download the replay of this show!
Click here to download…
Not only are cruciferous vegetables packed with nutrients, they can also play an instrumental role in helping your body detoxify what I call its “toxic load.”
That's why I include them in my famous 7-day GREEN Cleanse Program, in which thousands of people have experienced amazing results in the last five years since I started the program. Now that you know these are your friends and not your enemies, find out how to jump start your body in one of the fastest and healthiest ways on earth:
Fall Equinox Detox: Join the GREEN Cleanse Program
Great 30 minutes. Love to hear someone speak about both sides of the coin, and have solutions to eating these wonderful vegies without side effects. I have never had a problem with them, but I have seen so many people give up these wonderful cruciferous vegetables because the had heard it would actually cause hypothyroid problems and never took the research any further.
Once again Thank you Dr Rita Marie for you wisdom and sharing.