Radio Show: Innovations in Hormone Balancing You’ve Probably Not Yet Heard About

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my personal healing story


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Dr. Ritamarie teaches people all over the world about healing via nutrition, fitness, exercise, and emotional balancing.

In this show, she interviews two experts in the area of emotional healing, who have discovered innovative ways of restoring balance to the mind and the emotions, which leads to a greater sense of well-being and happiness—and heavily contributes to vibrant health.

Arttemis-Keszainn-x200 Arttemis Keszainn: Arttemis will share about his 12 years of experience helping over 8,000 people transform their lives through Conscious Language, Sacred Body Language, Prayer, Decree, Affirmations, and a Raw Food Lifestyle. Arttemis blends the sacred sciences of Human Energetic Anatomy with the richness of Conscious Language as an evolutionary paradigm for creating a body where every thought, word, and feeling is consciously manifesting the body we love.

Laura-Fine-Lionheart-Institute-x200 Laura Fine: As founder and Director of Lionheart Institute of Transpersonal Energy Healing in Los Angeles, Laura has become known nationwide as a Transpersonal Energy Healing Therapist and teacher. Laura has been a teacher for over 30 years in the creative and healing arts and trained over 5 000 students across the country to help them realize their authenticity, transform their emotional and physical health, and achieve their life purpose.


Four Ways to Enjoy The Show:

Thursday, January 2, 2014 Time: 8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET
Length: 30 Minutes
1. Phone in: The show call in number is: (424) 243-9555
2. Side widget on this page: At show time, refresh this page and click on the blog talk radio player to the right.
3. Directly on blogtalk: The episode link is: Vibrant Health Solutions Radio
4. The replay: come back after the show to listen to or download the replay right from this page.

Be sure to friend (follow button) me on Blog talk Radio! Dr. Ritamarie's Blogtalk Radio Channel

In this show learn:

  • Why emotional alchemy is a key to healing and balancing hormones (hint: glands are tied to emotions)
  • The importance of mind, body, and emotions in hormone balance (hint: taming the mental chatter)
  • Tying it all together: resources to learn more about innovations in healing the intimate mind-body-emotion connection to hormonal balance, and overall health.

Additional Resources:

Screen Shot 2014-01-01 at 9.07.21 AMTo learn more about Laura Fine, grab her free gift:A 75 minute Teleclass and guide sheet: How To Use Energy Healing Techniques To Tame The Restless Mind click here: How To Use Energy Healing Techniques To Tame The Restless Mind   logo


To learn more about Arttemis Keszainn, you can visit or check out his special offer about “Juicing for Fat Loss.”Juicing for Fat Loss


VITAL-sidebar-buttonIf you would like to learn more about healthy and fun lifestyle choices that you can incorporate into your daily life in practical ways, have invaluable support, and discover nutrition and foods that your kids will love, join the VITAL Health Community


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