Hormone imbalance is a very REAL problem, and, guys, we're NOT just talking female stuff here. In addition to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, insulin, cortisol, leptin and the thyroid hormones are all part of your endocrine system, and need to be balanced for you to experience good health. Your endocrine system can either make or break you. When it's finely tuned and humming along, you feel great. Get it out of balance and your whole world turns upside down.
Stress, poor diet, environmental toxins, improper meal timing, inefficient digestion and genetics are all key layers in creating imbalances in your body chemistry, especially hormone imbalances. When your hormones get out of whack, you suffer.
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Organic, whole, fresh and living foods are phenomenal for healing and rejuvenation, yet there are times when just changing your diet doesn't take you far enough.
Join Dr. Ritamarie for this powerful episode on hormones and how you can begin to make changes to get your hormones back in balance.
Show Day:
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Time: 8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET
Length: 30 Minutes
There are four ways to enjoy this show:
1. The player on the right of this page. At show time, refresh this page and click on the blog talk radio player to the right.
2. Directly calling in. The show call in number is: (424) 243-9555
3. On blogtalk itself. The episode link is: Vibrant Health Solutions Radio
Be sure to friend (follow button) me on Blog talk Radio! Dr. Ritamarie's Blogtalk Radio Channel
4. The replay. After the show, you can download or listen to the replay right on this page.
In this show learn:
- Several of the most important hormones and how they are related (hint: not what you might think)
- Why it's important to balance all of the hormones of the endocrine system, which is the Master Command Center of the body.
- Some overall tips for restoring proper hormone health that you can begin to use right away.
Additional Resources:
If you are a Practitioner or Holistic care provider and are interested in learning how to solve even the most complex of hormonal imbalance cases, consider joining Dr. Ritamare in beautiful Austin, Texas on January 10-12, 2014 for her conference called S.H.IN.E. (Scientific and Holistic Investigation of Nutritional Endocrinology). After these three days, you will never be intimidated by a tough patient case again. It will add a jolt to your confidence and a spike in prosperity to your bottom line as word of mouth spreads about how you have become a superstar in your field.
Join Dr. Ritamarie in January and S.H.I.N.E