Why 95% of all Health and Weight Loss Programs Fail and How You Can Succeed

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A woman standing in front of a blender with fruit and vegetables, promoting optimal health and functional health.

It's officially summer time.  That means it's time to have fun…swimming, picnics, vacations to exotic places, amusement parks…you get to choose.  It's not all that important WHAT you choose to do for fun, but THAT you choose to have fun.

No kidding.  Fun is an important ingredient for hormone balance, good digestion, amazing energy and overall great health. It's up there with broccoli and sprouts!  And, it’s a lot more  FUN!  Besides, Fun is One of the key ingredients that all health and weight loss programs are missing.

Unfortunately, the first thing to fall by the wayside when you get busy is fun.  “I don't have time for that”  you may tell yourself as you rush from one activity to the next, attempting to “get it all done”.

I've found FUN to be such an important ingredient for good health that I even named my website to include it.  Fresh and Fun!   These are the ingredients to vibrant health.  Start with fresh food, fresh water, fresh air.  Add fresh thoughts, fresh feelings, and fresh relationships.  Stir well and top with a big dollop of fun.

Fun is best incorporated into everything you do, including food preparation and eating.  Start with small doses…at least 5 minutes a day.  You’ll find it so addicting, you’ll soon add more.

Do you know that regular FUN is a part of my secret formula for getting off the diet roller-coaster.  As much fun as roller-coasters are at amusement parks, they are down right annoying when it comes to your health plan.

You know what I mean.  You get frustrated with your body.  Maybe you’re more tired than you think you should be, or have annoying –or even downright painful—symptoms, or your tummy is softer than you’d like or your thighs are larger than you you’re comfortable with.

Whatever the trigger, the action plan results in your resolve to a healthy diet and exercise plan to get you feeling good again.  And you do feel better…at least for a little while.  How long do these programs usually last?  A month or two?  Three at most?

What follows is usually a ride down the slippery slope until you feel bad enough to start again.  Then up the hill you go once more, putting in hard work and deprivation, until you hit another high point and head back down again.

The problem with this approach is, just like the roller-coaster ride, you usually get off at the bottom.  What if this time, you could exit the roller coaster at the top, and stay there…and continue to feel the exhilaration of being at the top…long term.

Would you like to know the shocking truth and missing link in every health and diet plan you’ve ever been on—every book, article, program and course you’ve ever followed —-and why you may have failed.?

The real truth is that YOU didn’t fail.  They failed you.

You can have amazing success for many years – never having to look back..when you understand and apply the secret strategies that no one has ever told you about…until now.

Once I discovered the missing link, I began to share it with my patients and clients.  And low and behold, those who embraced it and put it into practice had amazing success.

The same process that I had unknowingly followed myself allowed those I counseled to get truly life changing results.

When I was Back in my teens, I tried diet after diet ever in search of the one that allowed me to indulge in my favorite foods and maintain my slim figure.  That quest lead me to yo-yo dieting, obsession with food and binging to the point of illness.  While I was never more than 5 pounds overweight at any one time, I gained and lost over 100 pounds while I was on the roller-coaster.

What I discovered is that most plans focus on the ACTIONS you need to take without addressing the MINDSET you need to consistently follow through on the Actions.

If  you've been struggling with inconsistent follow-through on your health and fitness goals… having setbacks and recoveries over and over again… you owe it to yourself to learn this system.

It’s my secret for going from a wine-guzzling junk food junkie in my twenties  to the vibrantly healthy athlete I am today…with joy and ease.   It's what allows me to consistently choose foods that nourish me without even being tempted by those that don't.

97% of health and weight loss programs Fail because they don't start with the following steps:

  • Clarifying Your Core Values – getting in touch with what really matters is the important first step towards consistent follow through in creating the vibrant health you desire.
  • Connecting to Your Visions –  stepping into a clear, detailed picture of who you’d like to become is a vital part of creating lasting health.
  • Clarifying What You Love – falling in love with your vision allows you to create the environment for consistent joyful follow-through, resulting in ease and energy in your life.
  • Setting Your Goals – breaking your big vision into manageable, measurable pieces will take you step by step towards comfort, fitness, energy and vitality.
  • Building Your Toolkit – inspire and uplift yourself into the  actions that keep you pointed in the direction of your goals.
  • Learning to Negotiate Obstacles – simple techniques to maneuver around barriers between you and the goals you hold near and dear.

To get started on this process and apply it to whatever health or weight loss plan you'd like to follow, check  out the recording of  my FREE teleseminar:  6 Ultra Simple Fool Proof Strategies For Finally Achieving Your Health Goals: A Crash-Course on How to Get in Touch with What Really Matters on a Deep, Core Level and Live the Vibrant, Joyful and Fulfilled Life You Deserve.


All health and diet programs need to include an element of fun or they are doomed to failure.  So start today by finding something fun to do and do it.  Then express gratitude for your gifts.  That's another secret ingredient to health and weight loss success.

Love, Health and Joy to You,

Dr. Ritamarie


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