Greens from the WIld: The Perfect Antidote to Health and Money Deficits

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img_4150We were honored to have very special guest in town this week, and he shared with us information that could save your health and your bank account.

Sergei Boutenko was wonderful.  He inspired attendees to step the green up a notch,  and stay connected to green energy.

Here's a sample of part of the herb walk with Sergei .

I'll post another video and photos after I get the rest uploaded.

If you'd be interested in attending  a teleseminar on the topics with Sergei, post a comment below to the blog and let me know.

Love and Green Hugs

Dr. Ritamarie

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  1. Veronica

    I would like to do a walk in the wild here in Australia. There are a lot of edibles that we could eat. Although the kangaroos tend to harvest most greens! lol

  2. Leena Dillingham

    I was walking by Barton Creek out in Westlake and realized that I had missed his talk and walk because I didn’t write them on my calendar during this whirlwind week!

    I would so much appreciate the opportunity to attend a teleseminar. Please keep me posted.

    Thank you.


  3. Paul Allred

    I would like to have Sergei Boutenko’s wild greens talk and walk on a webinar. I hope you can convince Sergei to represent his talk online.


  4. Courtney

    Ooooohhhhh! I’d love to attend a teleseminar with Sergio on wild edibles, if you get enough other people interested. That would be awesome 🙂

    Thanks, Ritamarie!

  5. Ramalingam G

    I missed Sergie’s talk and would like to attend the webinar


  6. Sheryl Thompson

    I missed it! I would love to have a webinar!

  7. KO

    Would love to see and hear his talk

  8. Sherri Greene

    Absolutely! tried to watch on Justin TV…couldn’t really hear it too well
    would love to see him on a webinar with you…

  9. Anna

    Please, please ask Sergei to do a webinar. I saw his website the other day and was excited to see his write on dandelions. I eat them raw every day in smoothie version. The organic ones cost only 2.5 euros per kilo (2.2 lbs) here in my hometown in Greece.

  10. Kathy

    Yes, yes, please post a webinar w/Sergei!!! I want to learn more about wild edibles.

  11. Kaye Stain

    So much would benefit from a teleseminar!!!!! Thank you and peace ~ in advance!!

  12. Robyn

    I live in New England so I would love to watch by web.
    I have lots of green plants that I have wondered whether they are edible! I’ve looked for books in the Library but the few there are very good.
    Be good to see in COLOR!!

  13. Rebecca

    Yes I would love to hear Sergei talk about wild edibles

  14. Ginette

    I miss out on the teleseminar may I get link .

  15. Jerilyn Springq

    I would like to see Sergei’s talk as a webinar. Thanks!
    Steve is my husband. This is a blog journaling our adventure in curing his cancer at Nova Vita Center headed by Gary Young in Guayaqiul, Ecuador. To your health! Jeri

  16. Elizabeth Hastings

    Wow, that would be incredible! I would love to attend a teleseminar with Sergio. Please count me in! Thanks~!

  17. Diane

    yes I had to miss it as well, and would enjoy a webinar & can hardly wait for the pics!

  18. Louann Lampa

    Gee, this idea sounds great! I saw a short one from Segei off of his Mom’s newsleter, loved it, and would love to have more.
    I don’t plan on visiting your in Austin, being that I live on the central coast of California, so I’ll get it whatever way I can.
    I look forward to hearing more about it,

  19. celissa

    i would love to see a webinar about foraging thanks

  20. Lauri Harvey

    I was fortunate enough to attend both of Sergei’s talks in Austin, but am always open to hearing them again!! He’s awesome! Let’s get him on the web!

  21. Barbara

    Yes, I would be interested in a webinar with Sergei. That would be just awesome. He could do an online course since the weeds come in at different times of the year..

  22. Colette

    Always passionate about wild… I am very grateful for this video. Many thanks.
    Nevertheless…should it be possible that you “zoom” a little bit more (at least once) the plant Sergei is talking about ? as we hardly see it and for sure could not identify it through these pictures.
    Good luck for going ahead !

  23. Stanley Gerard

    I’m interested in attending a teleseminar on “greens from the Wild” with Sergei

  24. Stanley Gerard

    Could you give me Sergei website – I’m interestred in his work – I got one of his books


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