Your 2012 Recharge Toolkit!

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Hi Everyone!

Chances are you were tempted more than a few times over the past month – by the pretty Christmas cookies with their sugar coating and decorations, the pies and candies, perhaps the mashed potatoes and gravy.

What's Your Target for 2012?Hopefully, you were able to call upon your passion for your vision of the YOU that you're in the process of stepping into – the strong, fit and vibrant you that lives life to the fullest each and every day.

If that wasn't strong enough, perhaps you were able to call upon your stress transformation toolkit including breathing and appreciation to shift into a relaxed state and avoid temptation.

Perhaps you caved to the temptation, and now are wishing you hadn't.

It can be hard around the holidays to stick to your healthy diet and exercise routine. Regardless of whether you caved in, white knuckled it through or found it easy to avoid the temptations, now is the time of year to re-evaluate your goals, set new ones, and get connected to your vision, your dream.

As the year draws to a close, I'm thinking about what I plan to manifest in my life in 2012. I refuse to dwell upon talk of the world ending along with natural disasters and financial collapse.

2012: Will you “just cruise through” or will you finally choose YOU?

At this time of year I do what I call my “year in review.”

  1. I look back over the year month by month and make a list of all my accomplishments. Big or small, I count them all.
  2. Then I look over the disappointments and frustrations, and I reframe them as lessons I learned. I list all my lessons and what action was inspired by each.
  3. After that I revisit my vision, get it down on paper, and set new goals.

Jane HardinA couple of years ago, with the help of my friend Jane Hardin, I put together the Vibrant Health Mindset Success System to share my process with the world. It's an empowering and inspiring process and I would love to share it with you.

That's why I put together a 4 day HALF OFF sale where you can get the entire system plus Bonuses, a total value of $481 for just $38.50 until the end of the year. The details are in a separate e-mail and HERE:

I'll share more of my year end transition processes on blog talk radio Thursday, December 29th at 10 AM central:

2012: Free yourself from the struggles that weigh on you.

Free yourself from hidden food allergiesIf you've been having any persistent health challenges at all, serious or mild, or are struggling with weight that just doesn't want to come off, you might have hidden food allergies that are keeping you sick. Gluten, dairy and eggs are high on the list of most common allergens, and they are all ingredients in the conventional versions of holiday treats. Some researchers and authors estimate that 30 – 50% of the population may be sensitive to gluten, and most don't know it.

That's because gluten sensitivity symptoms are often vague and chronic, and so don't seem to flare up when gluten is consumed.

Part of the inability to detect a change in symptom presentation when eating gluten is that the average American eats gluten all day long every day! If you add it up, you might be surprised to find that many people eat more than 50% of their calories as gluten containing foods.

If you're ready to learn how food allergies may be hurting you and what you can do about it, sign up for my free teleclass on Tuesday, January 3rd: Turning Food Allergies Inside Out: Revealing the Culprits, Causes and Cures

2012: A free kit to help you kick gluten in the gluteus!

I have one last resource I would like to share with you.

Kicking GlutenIt's a gluten-free survival kit that I just updated with a new e-book. The kit contains an audio, recipes, an article on the link between autism and ADD and gluten, and a presentation about the thyroid gland.

You can access it here:

Please pass the link to anyone you know who might be suffering from gluten sensitivity.

I look forward to connecting on Jan. 3rd to demystify food allergies and guide you to assessing the likelihood of hidden food allergies compromising your health.

Love, Health, and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S. A quick summary of resources in this e-mail:

  1. 50% Off Vibrant Health Mindset Success System until Dec 31st
  2. Free Food Allergy Teleseminar
  3. Free Gluten-Free Survival Kit



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