Yummy Greens Recipes: Cleansing Food!

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leafy greens - green cleanse

I have been doing a Green Cleanse this past week. It has been a great experience. 14 people joined me, and we had an email support group where we shared recipes, challenges and successes. I'll be organizing another one soon.

For a description of a green cleanse and more information, check the website www.drritamarie.com/ . Check back here or there for the dates of the next cleanse.

On Friday evening we hosted a Movie night and Raw food Potluck. We had a nice turnout. I really enjoyed chatting with everyone. After the meal, we watched Gabriel Cousen's Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine. It was both informative and inspiring. Our next Movie Night and Potluck will be February 17. For more info go to https://drritamarie.com/ and click Events Calendar. Since I was doing a green Cleanse, rather than my usual potluck fare, I made 3 Green concoctions. Here are the recipes.

Tropical Green Sorbet

2 cups papaya
1 mango
½ of a pineapple
3-4 cups spinach

Blend the pineapple first then add the mango and papaya and blend until smooth. Add spinach a handful at a time to desired sweetness. II was surprised at how much I could add and still have it be sweet. Pour into container of ice cream maker and run until frozen. Yum. You can also drink it as a smoothie. A few ice cubes would be a nice addition if so.

Italian Soup

1 ½ cup dried tomatoes, soaked in 1 cup water
4 cups fresh tomatoes (I used Roma)
6 stalks celery
1 bunch basil
A few springs of fresh oregano
A few sprigs fresh rosemary
2 heads of romaine hearts
1 clove garlic

Blend all until smooth. Add sea salt or other seasonings if desired

Lime mint drink

¼ cup lime juice
1 bunch fresh mint
3 apples
3 heads hearts of romaine
2 cups water
Ice cubes

Blend all. Adjust lime to taste. Add water if too thick. Add ice cubes and blend to cool down. Very refreshing.

Comments and questions are always welcome.

I will be updating regularly, Sign up to be notified when I do so you don't miss anything, or check the website www.drritamarie.com for updates.

Bye for now

Dr. Ritamarie

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