3 Simple Strategies to Keep Your Waistline from Expanding this Holiday Season

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weight control - holidaysCan you believe it's already a week into October? Halloween is just a few weeks away. Shortly after that, Thanksgiving rolls around and Christmas is right around the corner. Slip in Hanukah, Kwanza and New Years and the year is over.

If you're like most people, your eating goes down the drain right around October 31, and doesn't seem to get back on track until January 1 when you make the same old New Year's Resolutions to get in shape…you know, the ones you made last year and the year before that for as far back as you remember.

Starting with the Halloween candy and ending with the New Year's Eve champagne, with lots of Turkey, cookies, and pumpkin pie in between, there's no end to the opportunity for expanding your waistline and depleting your energy.

How would it feel to wake up on New Year's Day feeling energetic, alert and fit? If that's what you're aiming for, then here's a few strategies to keep you on target.

Start out by forgoing the bags and bags of halloween candy to give the trick-or-treaters. They will collect way more candy than they need without your contribution. Instead, go to the dollar store or the party supply store and buy more long lasting things to give the kids—pencils, superballs, whistles, and cool shaped erasers are just a few ideas. Put them all in a big cauldron and let the kids choose. I find that the kids love it. Besides, you'll be able to save the leftovers for next year, rather than having to eat them.

Learn some yummy, health supporting substitutions for favorite holiday foods. Recipes can be easily found for healthy and delicious holiday treats like chocolate spiders, pumpkin pie, thanksgiving stuffing, gingerbread cookies and latkes.

Exercise at least 4 times a week. Yes, I know you get busy with preparing for holidays, shopping, and going to parties, but this is not the time to let your exercise go. Think about it this way. Every mile you walk burns about 100 calories. The more you exercise, the more you can indulge without guilt.

I'm looking forward to sharing more of my strategies through a series of healthy holiday tools, beginning with a live webcast teleclass on October 22 called Indulge Without The Bulge.

Keep your sight on how you want to feel on January 1, and refer to your goals whenever the temptations are about to carry you down the slippery slope to post holiday blues. Make more productive New Year's Resolutions, and start the year fit, trim and joyful.

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  1. YahooBot

    Nice site, thanks for information!



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