Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of general FAQs that Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology members have asked us over the years. Before asking our help desk, you may find the answer to your question here.
General Support (Click on your question below).
I am receiving duplicate emails from Dr. Ritamarie. How do I stop one of them from reaching my inbox?
Please email [email protected] with the subject Duplicate Emails. Include your email addresses and indicate your email account preference, so that our support team can update your account.
Why am I still getting emails after I unsubscribed?
As long as you followed the above instructions, you will be unsubscribed. The only reason that people continue to receive emails after unsubscribing is that they are signed up for our emails with multiple email accounts. We’ve had clients sign in with as many as eight emails. If you are using an email aggregate such as Outlook or Apple Mail, you will appear to have duplicates. Rest assured, these are coming to each of the different emails you’ve used to sign up for emails, programs, products, eBooks, or free webinars. If you have multiple emails on file with us, please email [email protected] with your email address preference so your accounts may be updated.
How do I become one of your affiliates?
It’s easy to sign up for our affiliate program. Click here to fill out the form and submit your request.
What is your cancellation policy?
Will there be a replay for your webinar?
While we can't guarantee replays or encores to our webinars, when we are able to offer them we send out emails to anyone who has registered for the webinar. We encourage you to register for the webinar and try to move your schedule around so you can attend live. That is always the best experience and you may get a chance to ask Dr. Ritamarie a question. If the replay is made available, you will receive an email after the event with details. Sometimes, Dr. Ritamarie will schedule an encore presentation where she leads the webinar again live. This gives more people the chance to attend at a different day and time. Please read your emails for detailed communication regarding each event.
Is being a member of Facebook required to benefit from enrolling in your programs?
While many of our members in our programs find the extra support helpful, it is not necessary to follow us on Facebook, nor to join our private groups there. You can succeed in our programs from attending Dr. Ritamarie’s group coaching calls and working through the materials as you’re guided through the modules.
When will I receive the bonuses that were promised with my enrollment?
The delivery of each bonus is dependent on many factors, but you will get all of your bonuses before your program ends. Some bonuses are live, which means they are scheduled partway through the program to provide additional support. Some bonuses are delivered through email and some bonuses will be located on your course dashboard depending on which program you are in.
Will I get bonuses that were offered after I enrolled?
Yes, we reward fast action takers with the bonuses that were offered after they enroll. Thank you for taking swift action and for your commitment to better health.
Are your recipes in your programs vegan or plant-based?
While Dr. Ritamarie personally follows a 100% plant-based and mostly raw diet, she offers support and makes recommendations for those that feel the need for some animal-sourced foods in their diet.
All of the recipes in our programs are 100% plant based and mostly raw, with little or no oils in them. However, Dr. Ritamarie encourages you to adapt the recipes as needed, especially when following her recommendations on testing the effects of foods consumed on blood glucose and ketone levels. She fully supports individualization in her programs so that you can learn what best supports your optimal health and well-being.
How do I unsubscribe from your newsletter?
Open the newsletter or email from which you'd like to unsubscribe and click on the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of the page. Follow the prompts on the next screen. Please note that if you unsubscribe from our mailing list, you'll no longer receive any email notifications/updates pertaining to any of the programs or products that you've purchased from us.
Technical Support (Click on your question below).
There is no sound when I watch a video or listen to an interview.
There are several reasons why there might not be any sound. Here are some troubleshooting tips:
- Try reloading the page.
- Re-start your browser, or try a different browser.
- Try a fresh re-start of your computer.
- Try adjusting the volume on your computer by clicking on the small sound icon, which is most likely located at the bottom right hand corner of your screen (on a PC). Make sure the ‘mute' box is unchecked and that the sound volume slider is mid-way or higher.
- Try adjusting the volume on the video player in your browser. Roll your mouse over the speaker icon and move the slider up accordingly.
- If you have external speakers, make sure they are connected properly.
- There could be an issue with corrupt or missing sound drivers, compatibility issues with the operating system and/or other hardware, or bad or missing sound cards. If conflicts exist with your sound card and/or other devices installed in your computer, it is likely that either the drivers are not properly installed for that device and/or the sound card and/or other devices are conflicting. If you open the properties of the device that is conflicting and view the properties, additional details about the conflict can be found. For more specific instructions on how to solve any of these possible issues, please perform an internet search, using terms like ‘no sound on computer'.
- You may also need to clear your browser cache and cookies and start over.
- If none of these work, shut down your computer and start it again and see if that helps.
Nutritional Support (Click on your question below).
Can you help me with a health problem, question, and/or concern that I have?
Thanks for trusting Dr. Ritamarie and her team of trained Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioners as a resource for health information. You may choose from any number of personal health educational programs we provide on the site. Visit our programs page to get started. Please note that if you would like specific questions answered from a certified Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner, you may schedule a private lab interpretation session. To learn more about our private consultations, please click here.
Programs, Products and Orders (Click on your question below).
When will I receive my order?
Typically, you can expect to receive your order within 7-10 business days. If you’ve ordered an e-product, you will receive email instructions for how to access the course and next steps you may need to take as soon as your credit card has been approved. If you need help locating your order, please reach out to [email protected] and include the email that was used to place your order.
How can I request a refund?
Please follow here for information on requesting a refund:
How may I cancel my membership subscription?
To cancel your subscription to any of our membership programs, please send your request to [email protected] within 5 business days of your renewal date to avoid future charges.