5 Simple Strategies for Avoiding Food Ruts with Gluten Free Raw Foods

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Two street signs pointing in different directions.

When you decide to start eating a gluten free, allergy avoidance  or raw foods diet for healthy weight,  strength and stamina, and to help your body heal from chronic health challenges, it can seem overwhelming.  There are new foods to experiment with, comfort foods you're not really happy about letting go of and all new ways of preparing and timing your meals to get all the nutrients you need and avoid the toxins that are making you ill.

Stay tuned over the next few days for several blog posts and the announcement of a free teleseminar to offer give you lots of strategies about how to eat, what to eat and how to deal with cravings for the foods you've created an emotional attachment to.

For today, I'd like to address strategies to keep you from getting into a rut around your food choices.

It's so easy to become overwhelmed when making diet changes. You may feel that there's nothing familiar left to eat, start eating lots of fruits and salads or packaged foods that claim to be nutritious, and then start to feel frustrated and unfulfilled.  I know how it is…I've been there.

Over the years of working on my own eating habits and counseling thousands of patients and students on optimizing their own health, I've developed strategies that have helped a lot.  SO I thought today I would share 5 of them with you.

1- Everytime you go shopping, choose at least one food you've never made or tasted before.  Then check your recipe
books or do a web search and and choose a recipe you've never made before that features the new ingredient.

If you do this a couple of times a week, you'll soon develop a repertoire of satisfying recipes that you can make quickly and easily.  I have several good recipe books in the shopping area of my website if you need inspiration.

2- Make friends with herbs and spices.  You can capture the essence of a particular type of ethnic cuisine my liberally sprinkling your food with seasoning blends.  I like to purchase pre-made mixtures for convenience to use when I am short of time and create my own when I'm less busy.  I've made my own seasoning blends using tried and true combinations of ethnic seasonings and added extra punch and nutrition by grinding kelp powder and adding hemp seeds.

3- Purchase a dehydrator and learn to make your favorite comfort foods in healthy new ways.  You can still eat bread, cheese and crackers, cookies and chips on a health supporting diet.  You just need to learn new techniques and have a selection of tried and true recipes to follow.  A dehydrator allows you to make delicious comfort foods from vegetables, herbs spices, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains and fruits.

I've spent the last year putting together two amazing products that teach you just how to do this step by step.  There's an e-book with over 250 pages of detailed instruction plus over 160 recipes and a DVD set with recipe guide and laminated charts that shows you every step of the way.

You can get on the early notification list by going to www.DriedandGoneToHeaven.com

4- Experiment with food combinations you wouldn't ordinarily think about doing.  I recently discovered that I love mango with avocado and a pinch of cayenne.  It couldn't be easier to fix and it tastes divine.  Just yesterday, I blended some coconut butter (whole organic coconut flesh blended into a cream) with vanilla and poured over frozen cherries.  The coconut hardened on the cherries and it was like eating candy.

5- Attend food preparation classes regularly to get new ideas and learn new techniques.  It's helpful to find classes taught by people with lots of experience.  You'll benefit from their vast years or even decades of experimentation and perfecting their technique.  If you can't be there in person, attend online.

About a month ago I discovered that there's is a huge demand for high quality food preparation classes. We had over 100 attendees worldwide attend our Bread Making class last month…and it was announced within only 2 weeks of the start date.  We're expecting even more participants for our upcoming series.

We'll announce the entire lineup of classes tomorrow when the website is completed.  In the meantime, check out
our “Thai Food Goes Raw” class and learn to make delicious, nutritious recipes that are so satisfying and aromatic,
you'll be making them all the time.


The class will be held in Austin Texas and broadcast over the internet.  As a participant in either the in person class or the online broadcast, you'll get access to the high quality videos after the event is over and a pdf format e-book of the recipes, complete with a photo of each recipe.

The price of the videos will go up as soon as the class is over, so even if you can't make the live call, you'll be able to watch the videos and get started making the recipes right away.

It's so exciting to teach these classes, and I'm priveleged to have on my team two amazing chefs, Karen Osborne, a graduate of Living Light Culinary Institute and Pamela Weems, trained by me as a certified Alisa Cohen Living on Live Foods chef and instructor.

The Thai Raw Food menu is amazing!  check it out at https://drritamarie.com/videoclasses/thaigoesraw

In my over two decades of coaching and consulting patients and training people in the art of whole fresh foods for optimal health, I've found the the most profound changes to health come from the power of your fork.  What you put in becomes the building blocks for your fit, trim, comfortable and joyfully present body, mind and spirit.

Eating wholesome nutritious foods does not have to be boring.  Get out of your food rut and enjoy the foods that are rebuilding your body into an amazing vessel of love, health and joy!

Love, Health and Joy to YOU,

Dr. Ritamarie

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