When you hear the term “hormone imbalance” do you right way think about PMS or menopause? If you’re not suffering from hot flashes or cyclic irritability, you may be tempted to dismiss information about hormone imbalance as “not applicable to me”.
What you may not realize is that your hormones are involved with just about every aspect of your day to day life, including:
– Your metabolic rate, which means how quickly you burn fuel for energy. Imbalances can lead to hard to shed extra pounds and low energy.
– Your response to stress. Hormone imbalance affects your ability to respond to stress without burning yourself out or getting sick.
– How much sugar is in your blood and how much reaches your brain, controlling your mood and your ability to think clearly. Imbalances can lead to diabetes, hypoglycemia and insulin resistance.
– Your mood and attitude, due to the intimate relationship between hormones and neurotransmitters. Hormone imbalance can lead to depression, anxiety and irritability.
– The efficiency of your digestion. Imbalance can lead to ulcers, irritable bowel and chronic infection.
– Your sex drive and ability to enjoy intimacy.
– The quality of your skin and hair.
– Your short term memory and ability to think clearly and quickly.
– The quality of your sleep.
The list goes on and on. This is just a sampling of the widespread and diverse effects of your hormones.
How Hormone Imbalance Effects your Health
Hormones are like members of your family. When they’re in sync, everyone is communicating well, resulting in happy and harmonious relationships. When they are out of sync, you’re sunk. Communication gets disrupted and dysfunction results.
There are over a dozen major players in your hormone family, and your health relies on proper communication and balance between them.
The sooner you get them working in harmony, the happier and healthier you’ll be.
While hormone imbalance can result in unpleasant conditions like depression, dry skin, low energy, irritability, insomnia and hot flashes, what’s more important is that hormone imbalances underlie much more serious illnesses, like osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
So getting your hormones in balance is not just about improving the quality of your life; it’s about actually saving your life.
So how do you get your hormones in balance? Do you need the latest designer drug or exotic supplements? Expensive medical procedures?
Natural Methods for Hormone Imbalance
Fortunately, in most cases, balance can be restored through the application of diet and lifestyle actions combined with targeted and specific supplementation of nutrients and possibly bioidentical hormones, if your body can no longer make them on its own.
There are foods to avoid, foods to include, environmental factors to clean up, stressors to manage, and simple things like the amount and type of movement you do, how much sun you get and the balance between activity and rest.
7 Natural Approaches for Hormone Imbalance
1-Consume at least 32 ounces of green drink daily, made from at least a pound of green leafy vegetables. This may sound like a lot but the greens are so important and drinking them rather than just eating them helps increase the quality you consume. You can make delicious green smoothies, juices or soups. Greens are filled with antioxidants, minerals and the B vitamin folate, which is very important for hormone balance. Be sure to include sprouts and cruciferous vegetables as they're especially potent hormone balancers.
2- Break a sweat every day, even if just for 30 second bursts. Exercising to exhaustion for 30 seconds at a time, for a total of 4 to 8 minutes is an amazing way to increase testosterone levels, balance adrenal hormones and the hormone insulin, support your thyroid hormone production and overall strengthen your immune system.
3- Get outside for at least 20 minutes, preferably in the middle of the day, for fresh air and sunshine. This supports your body in making Vitamin D and excreting the chemicals you breathe from indoor air.
4- Open your windows, even if just a crack, for at least 15 minutes every day. This brings fresh air in to replace the buildup of hormone disrupting chemicals found in indoor air.
5- Dump the sugar for whole fresh fruits. Sugar disrupts your B vitamins which are essential for hormone regulation. It also affects the balance between estrogen receptors that are protective and those that promote growth. When these receptors get out of balance, your risk
of hormonally induced cancer increases.
6- Drink pure water from glass containers, rather than plastic. Hydration is vital to production and circulation of hormones and chemicals in the plastic have been shown to be hormone disruptors.
7- Take time each day to appreciate your gifts and the people you love. Appreciation has profound effects on your immune system, the level of stress hormones in your system and your ability to cleanse and detoxify the toxic exposures that disrupt hormone balance.
You’ll most likely notice changes right away when you master these 7 simple strategies.
If you’re already suffering from symptoms of hormone imbalance, like depression, fatigue, sugar cravings, excess weight around your middle, menstrual irregularities or pain, hot flashes or other menopausal symptoms, or if you or a family member have had breast cancer, or if you’d just like to circumvent these problems and be vibrantly healthy, strong and sexy your whole life through, it’s worth it for you to invest the time to learn all you can about keeping your hormones safe and balanced.
To bring you the whole scoop on hormone balance, I’ve teamed up with world renown hormone expert Dr. Lindsey Berkson, author of “Hormone Deception”, “Safe Hormones, Smart Women”, “Natural Answers to Women’s Health Questions”, “Healthy Digestion the Natural Way”, and at least 8 other books on natural health. We put together a groundbreaking 5 week course that’s filled with information about hormones that even most doctors don’t know.
We’re thrilled to bring you cutting edge information that will enhance your life and may even save your life. It saved Dr. Lindsey’s! Read her story for details.
It’s such a joy to have steady energy and mood, strength and stamina and the clarity of mind that balanced hormones brings. We experience this daily and we teach our patients to do the same. We’d like you to have the same experience. For the first time ever, we have packaged this material in a way that we can share it with you in a convenient and cost effective manner.
If you’re ready to take charge of your own hormones and create balance and vibrant health, we invite you to check out the course we’ve put together.
Love, Health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie
Hi. Thanks for this great information. Does the amount of water consumption takes a great impact on hormones? Be it insufficient or excess?