7 Summer Tips for High Energy Eating on Vacations, Travel, and Picnics

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Summer Vacation

Summer is the time for outdoor fun – picnics, beach trips, family gatherings, and vacations.

In order to fully engage in the fun, your health is more important than ever.

Isn't it ironic that just when you need high energy and a fit body the most, there are more opportunities than ever to let go of your health promoting practices in favor of “traditional” picnic fare and restaurant food?

The burgers, hot dogs, and potato salad call your name. Chips, convenience foods, and iced tea sing like sea sirens and, before you know it, you're energy is dashed on the rocks of processed foods and unrelenting waves of new cravings.

The question I get asked all the time is, “How do I enjoy all the fun of travel and summer celebrations AND maintain the healthy eating and exercising habits I've been working on with you?”

My clients love their newly slender bodies, fit and strong muscles, and focused minds; yet, the celebration foods call out loud and clear.

Summer food temptationsThis is a Test.

Yes, it's a test.

How committed are you to your new healthier and slimmer body?

How much do you really love the clarity, the energy, and the freedom from aches and pains?

Whether you are well on your way to those health improvements that bring you comfort and joy, just starting out and still struggling a bit, or brand new, this article is for you.

You see, like I said, this is a test.

Every month brings a new opportunity for celebration, throwing caution to the wind, and saying:

“I Will Start After…”

Fill in the blanks.

But will you really?

For how many months and years have you been telling yourself that you'll “start after”…

  • Your birthday
  • Your big trip to Europe
  • Your sister's wedding
  • Your kid's graduation
  • Your [any MEMORABLE event or journey]
    (aren't you hoping to have as many of those as possible throughout life?)

The list is endless and so are the opportunities to stay stuck in a body that is tired, achy, and unfit and a mind that's unfocused, slow, and foggy.

It's Your Time!

It's time you shed the plan for when you'll finally, fully commit to your health and just do it.

  • Commit.
  • Take action.
  • Get support!

In my Revitalize and Shine call, I talked about the traits of successful people.

To be successful at reaching your goals on a consistent basis you need to:

  • Know where you're going.Commit to health
  • Keep your energy and enthusiasm high.
  • Tap into your unlimited potential.
  • Wake up from any dark illusions and fears that hold you back.
  • Let go of limiting beliefs.
  • Overcome obstacles.
  • Build community.
  • Contribute.
  • Shines your light and radiate your beauty.

How to Tackle the “Summer Excuse-itis” Obstacle and Meet it Head On

How do you keep your energy high, your body fit, and your health intact and still enjoy vacations, travel, eating out and summer picnics?

It all starts with a commitment to — guess what — yourself!

Clearly visualize the “You” you're ready step into.

Is she fit, strong, powerful, successful?

Does she move her body with ease, unencumbered by aches, pains, and physical ailments?

Does she fit attractively into her skinny jeans, slinky dresses, and – heaven forbid – her bathing suit?

Create a You-Collage!

You-CollageIt can be online or offline. You can use Google images to find those pictures that call to you, those that represent the you that you are committed to step into.

You can take a stack of magazines and cut out all the images that draw you in and cause you to say, “YES!”

It can be large or small.

One of my clients created a double sided collage.

On one side she had a picture of a fit woman, around her own age, running on the beach. She surrounded the image with photos of gorgeous produce – fruits, vegetables, greens.

On the opposite side she pasted a photo of a sickly looking woman, again around the same age. She was worn, overweight, and very unhappy. This picture my client surrounded by photos of — you guessed it — hot dogs, soft drinks, burgers and fries, along with pies and cookies and ice cream.

This served as a reminder of where she desired to be headed and where she desired to move away from, and the vehicles she could use to get to each.

Treat Each Day as its Own Memorable Journey!

I know this started out as a travel and picnic tips article, so bear with me, we will get there, I promise.

But first and foremost, in order to follow through on new behaviors, you need to be focused on the outcome and shift your beliefs and attitudes.

So once you are committed to the outcome, truly committed, the steps will be easy once I lay them out for you.

So here they are…

7 Summer Tips for High Energy Eating on Vacations, Travel, and Picnics

  1. Always carry food with you when travelling or going to restaurants. For details about what to bring and how to pack for car trips and airplane travel, as well as when going to restaurants, listen to my blog talk radio show HEREand read my travel article here:https://drritamarie.com/materials/TravelingRaw.pdf
  2. Ask for a refrigerator when on vacation or staying at a hotel on the road. Many of the national chains even have rooms with kitchenettes. Even the mini-bar refrigerators in many hotels can be used. I teach you how on the radio show. The article shows how to set up your room for food success.
  3. Take your blender with you on car trips and consider a mini-blender like a Magic Bullet for airplane trips. I carried a mini-blender made by Tribest on my family reunion trip to Alaska about 6 years ago and it served me well. I made smoothies in cramped hotel rooms and cruise line suites as well as in tiny bathrooms. Have a smoothie or some veggies or fruit before you go out to take the edge off your appetite and keep you from caving in to the temptation of the warm bread.
  4. Bring along some basic supplies and shop for fresh food when you arrive at your destination.Some of the basic equipment to bring along includes:
    • A blenderTribest personal blender
    • Thin chopping mats available at most stores
    • Baggies and/or small reusable plastic containers
    • Big thermos/bottle brush
    • Small ice chest
    • Fork/knife/spoon combo
    • Lemon juicer
    • Peeler

    The article contains a complete checklist of foods and equipment to bring. In our VITAL Community Resource Library there's a power point presentation and presentations on travelling and restaurant eating that has even more detail.

  5. Stop at the very best fast food place on the road — the grocery store. You can always fill up on fresh produce, avocados, nuts, and seeds.
  6. Ask for what you want. Listen to the radio show for my story of how my family got gourmet meals at a remote Alaskan national park – just by calling in advance and making our needs and preferences known.
  7. At picnics and family gatherings, bring a dish to share. Make it something you'd be willing to eat a lot of, in case it's the only thing available to eat. Our Raw Food University Picnic and BBQ online course and recipe guide has lots of ideas including low-glycemic “potato” salad made with jicama that tastes like the real thing and “hotdogs”made with high energy ingredients like Irish moss and veggies. Enjoy summer favorites like:
    • Strawberry Shortcake
    • Coconut Whipped Cream
    • BBQ Burger
    • Burger and “Not Dog” Buns
    • Ketchup (Catsup)
    • Mustard
    • Mayonnaise
    • Cole Slaw
    • Onion Rings

    All recipes are made from 100% whole, nutrient-rich plant foods and taste exceptional! This class is on sale for the month of June!

Healthy Travel TipsWhat Will You Pack This Summer?

The rewards for the extra effort are enormous.

Most people come back from vacation with extra packed-on weight and then need to work even harder just to get back to the pre-vacation weight and fitness level. Wouldn't it be great to return from vacation slimmer, trimmer, and more energetic?

You can do it. I know you can.

Dr. Ritamarie's Healthy Summer Travel Resources:

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