Are Your Adrenal Glands Over Worked and Under paid?
Recently, I've focused extensively on discussing the connection between abdominal fat accumulation and cognitive issues like brain fog. Adrenal stress leading to exhaustion stands out as a prevalent factor contributing to these concerns. I recommend watching this video to gain insights into the causes of adrenal fatigue, methods to identify its presence, preventive measures, and effective strategies for rejuvenating yourself, promoting vibrancy, energy, and happiness.
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Adrenal exhaustion is a common cause of many health issues experienced in our modern day world.
It is always the first place I start when people come to me about help for fatigue. But just saying the adrenals are shot won't do much to fully restore and recharge them, though it can be done. Hopefully this video will help you know where to start.
Adrenal recharging, though an excellent starting point, is but one of several key areas to focus on to get you into feeling that same vibrant, boundless energy you had when you were a kid. In my first ever LIVE event, Spring Into Vitality, I will show you what other steps you can take for a total body transformation to restore, replenish, and nourish yourself like never before.
In addition to adrenal recharge, you will learn how to test pH levels (many do this wrong), nitric oxide levels, mineral trace testing, and much more. All while enjoying whole, nourishing elixirs and foods. You will know exactly what to do for an ENTIRE BODY TRANSFORMATION, a “makeover,” if you will.
Join me in beautiful Austin, Texas from March 22-24, 2013
Seats are filling fast! Click on the words or picture below to Register now for the Early Bird Special:
Spring Into Vitality LIVE!
You don't have to suffer with adrenal exhaustion and fatigue for one minute longer! Comment below and let me know how you if you know or think you're suffering from adrenal fatigue and what 1 step you can take to start to heal.
Love, health and Joy,
Dr. Ritamarie