Conquering Food Cravings: Stop Sugar Cravings and Overcome Adrenal Exhaustion

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What causes food cravings…you don't really need the sugar and bread, do you? The cravings for food you you can't seem to control are a cry from your body for help. What really causes food cravings is a deficiency of one of your basic needs. When nutrients are out of balance, your body craves food to rebuild its stores. When you respond to the cravings with sugar, starches and nutritionally depleted and harmful foods, you add stress to your body, which burdens your adrenal glands. So giving in to food cravings can contribute to adrenal exhaustion.

Learn why and and how breaking free from emotional eating and providing the nutrition you really need will stop cravings in their tracks. By supplying your body with the building blocks of a healthy mind and body, you allow your adrenals to rebuild, your fatigue and exhaustion improve and the cravings lessen.

Question of the Day:  What do you crave and how do you handle it when the craving gets really strong?  Post your answer in the comments box below.

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  1. Anna

    I crave sugar sometimes, lately because I am trying to quit smoking and I generally reach for something sugary. Just before writing this I wanted candy but was smart and ate almonds instead.
    What is the best way to cut my cravings for nicotine?

  2. mary

    How do I get to the site to do the free toxicity test?

  3. Mary

    when i feel like i need pizza or chocolate, my only two cravings, i eat something like a pomegranate. I put on a bib, sit down at a table with some music on, and take ‘forever’ to get through it! By the time I take a mind trip through Bethlehem, Hawaii, or other places where a pomegranate grows, I am satisfied! If I really do need some food, I get the mixed nuts and the nutcracker and count out some nuts and have them with some herbal tea brewed at room temperature. You don’t need to boil the water! Happy Holidays!

  4. Mary

    Hi 1st Mary above 2nd Mary…just before I came to ‘cravings’ I tried to get to the free toxicity test too! I am Mary Catherine in BC Canada.



  1. The Top Three Foods To Avoid at All Costs | Dr. Ritamarie's Fresh'n Fun Living Blog - [...] mechanism behind how sugar effects your metabolism and why high fructose corn sugar is so damaging to your [...]
  2. Radio Show: Food as Healer: Another Way to Approach Sugar Addiction | - […] probably think your sugar addiction is about lack of willpower or discipline or motivation. It is not. It is…

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