Easy Raw Gluten Free Low Glycemic Recipe: Eric’s Cheesy Guacamole

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Guacamole on a plate with tomatoes and carrots is a nutritious option for optimal health.

My son Eric loves raw cashew cheese. And he loves guacamole. So he decided to combine the two and the result was delightfully delicious! Try it for yourself.

Eric's “Cheesy” Guacamole:

1 recipe guacamole – your favorite or ours, below:
2 large  avocados
Juice of 2 lemons
¼ teaspoon salt, or to taste
Pinch cumin
PLUS: 3 heaping tablespoons cashew/mac cheese (recipe for a big batch follows):

Cashew / Macadamia Cheese

1/2 cup cashews
1/2 cup macadamia nuts
1 cup water
salt to taste
juice of 2 lemons


1.   Make guacamole by putting everything in a bowl and mashing with a potato masher or fork until desired consistency.

2.   Make nut cheese by blending all ingredients until smooth.

3.   Stir 3 tablespoons nut cheese (or more to taste) into guacamole and enjoy!

I hope you love this easy healthy recipe as much as we did.

Yours in health and joy,


Comment below: What is your favorite raw guacamole or raw nut cheese recipe? Share the deliciousness!

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