I recently wrote a series of blog posts related to four of my favorite “F-words” that are keys to overcoming chronic fatigue, escaping the grips of adrenal exhaustion and creating and maintaining long-term vibrant health. They are:
- FUN: The Physiology of Fun
- FOOD: The Sweetest of them All Part 1 and The Sweetest of them All Part 2
- FITNESS: How to Make Fitness FUN
- FLEXIBILITY: How Flexibility Creates Vibrant Health
On a recent trip to Florida, I put all of the F words into action. I ran on the beach, frolicked in the water, swam, stockpiled vitamin D, ate delicious raw and living foods, drank green smoothies, hung out with my son, spent time visiting with a friend AND worked very flexible hours.
The wind noise makes it hard to hear the last sentence.
What I said was: “I took good care of myself today. How about YOU?”
How about you?
What have you done so far today to take care of YOU? Comment below
With love and appreciation,
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo