Gluten Free Brownies: The Ultimate Indulgence and Energy Boost

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Wow.  I just tasted the gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free brownies I made for a fund raiser bake same and I'm blown away.  They're moist, flaky, dense, chocolate-y and delicious.  And they are made from all living foods.  I just took them out of the dehydrator so they're still warm!  What a treat.

I intend to put the recipe in the updated version, edition 2, of my e-book Feast Your Way to Health: 

A complete guide to healthfully decadent recipes for holidays and special occasions. I wrote the book last year as a holiday book, and decided to expand it to cover all the holidays and celebrations throughout the year.  After all, it's those celebration times that you may decide to abandon your healthy eating regime so you can indulge.

The book is chock full of recipes, mostly living foods recipes with the exception of a few very nutritious baked and steamed recipes that use all whole, nutritious, plant based ingredients.

Would you like the recipe?  Ok.  Since it's gettting close to Christmas, I'm going to share it.

Dr. Ritamarie's Decadently Delicious Brownies

  • 1 cup raw almonds, soaked, rinsed and drained
  • 1 cup raw hazelnuts, soaked, rinsed and drained
  • 1 cup raw Brazil nuts, soaked, rinsed and drained
  • 2 cups raisins
  • 1 cup raw cacao powder (can substitute carob for all or part)
  • 1 cup raw pecans, dry
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla powder (or 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract)
  • 5 drops pure essential oil of orange

Put all ingredients except pecans in food processor and run it until the mixture forms a stiff dough. Remove mixture from food processor and place in a large mixing bowl.  Pulse chop 1/2 cup pecans to a fine meal.  Fold pecan meal into dough and mix well.  Spread mixture onto Teflex sheet of a dehydrator and dehydrate at 110 degrees for about 8 hours.  Remove teflex and place brownie mixture on the mesh dehydrator tray.  To do this, I put the mesh and the tray on top of the brownie and flip then peel away the teflex.   Press whole pecans onto the top of the brownie, so that when it's cut, each brownie has a pecan on top.  Cut into squares and dehydrate a few hours longer, until chewy and moist.

Optional extras:

I made these pure since they are for a fund raiser.  Often I will finely mince kale and carrots and fold into dough.  I've also put goji berries, hemp seeds and coconut in for variety.

These are pure heaven.

There are lots of other decadently healthy recipes in my Indulge Without the Bulge DVD. to keep you slim, trim and happy this holiday season.

Please comment below and let me know what you think of the recipe.

Love and Health,

Dr. Ritamarie

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