7 Ways to Use Ginger to Heal Pain and Inflammation

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A functional piece of ginger on a white background.

Ginger is a tasty spice with several health benefits.  Studies show this uniquely flavored root is a potent antioxidant, and is able to prevent or slow atherosclerosis, lower LDL (the ‘bad’ cholesterol) and ease stomach distress.

But it is also naturally anti-inflammatory, making it a great food for those who deal with the chronic pain associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, inflammatory bowel and other conditions.


7 Ways to maximize Ginger's Anti-inflammatory Power:

1. Ginger can be purchased and used in capsule form.

2. I recommend you use the whole food instead (fresh roots are available at most grocery stores in the produce section).

3. Small chunks can be thrown into your blender when making green smoothies.

ginger4. Sliced ginger works well steeped in hot water as a stand-alone or along with tea.

5. It can also be grated and added to veggie juices, soups or salads, or included in a dressing or marinade recipe.

Want your pain aid straight up?

6. Just cut off about a teaspoon’s worth, dice it very fine and swallow it with water.

7. Or juice up a large chunk of the root and drink down a teaspoon or so at a time – cheap AND effective!

Just remember that a little goes a long way…

What if you don't like the taste?

Here's a quick story about that issue. A friend of mine, a master gardener, was finding it difficult to work her vegetable gardens each morning due to the worsening arthritis in her hands.  She loved the idea of a natural anti-inflammatory, but was unable to warm up to the idea of eating ginger.  (It seems she had developed a taste aversion to ginger from her years of perhaps overdoing the Master Cleanse). But we found if she made herself lemonade each evening with the ginger juice and lots of lemon, she could handle the taste AND awaken in the mornings without stiffness and pain in her hands.

So whether you are experiencing pain from a new exercise regime, or pain/inflammation in general, do yourself a favor and experiment with ginger.

eat_your_way_pain_3DFor other ways to use food to heal your body and reduce pain and inflammation, check out my home-study course:

Eat Your Way Out of Pain


Life is meant to be enjoyed pain free! Try using the miracle of ginger to help your body heal itself and restore your vitality.



With love and appreciation,


Comment below: What are some of your favorite ways to use ginger?

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1 Comment

  1. Sheralee

    LOVE this drink! Amazing how simple some tonics can be and you would wish you had tried them sooner!! This is delicious! I am just giving it a sip test now and will definitely add it to my daily ritual! Shall report how it went for anti inflammatory benefits after I awake in the morning!! Thank you again Jane!



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