As a functional medicine and nutritional endocrinology practitioner, I see the power of food as medicine in action all the time. It's important for optimal immunity,
I've written before about spices that help your body have a more efficient digestion. I've also written about foods that keep blood sugar from spiking.
Let's take a look at food can protect against the damaging effects of over-exposure to the sun!
Before we talk about the foods that help protect the from UV damage, I need to share the dangers of the sunscreen products that are commonly used.
You need natural sunshine, but use the right sunscreen and common sense
Many of the lotions, make-up, sunscreen, and other personal care products contain
Use the EWG site to find a mineral sunscreen containing zinc oxide. Uncoated zinc oxide effectively blocks and reflects, rather than absorbs, the sun’s rays. Three are a number of natural sunscreens containing
While it's important to get sun exposure daily for Vitamin D synthesis. It's also important to avoid over-exposure, to prevent the damaging effects of excessive UV radiation. Appropriate use of natural sunscreen can be an important part of protection from the sun. What most people don't realize is that certain foods can provide natural protection against sunburn and the damaging effects of over-exposure to the sun's UV radiation.
The top 5 foods that can help your body enjoy the sun!
Red, pink, and orange fruits and veggies
Lycopene is a natural pigment and a super antioxidant. It is found in tomatoes and other red, pink and orange produce. It has been shown to reduce UV-induced free radicals and provide protection against sunburn. In one study, after 10-12 weeks of tomato-derived lycopene intervention, a decrease in the sensitivity towards UV-induced erythema (reddening due to light sensitivity) was observed.
Besides tomatoes, other good sources are watermelon, lycopene, sweet red peppers, asparagus, and purple cabbage.
Beta-carotene/provitamin A foods are yellow and green foods that are beneficial for the skin. Beta-carotene has also been linked to reduced reactions to sunburn. Think about it – carotenoids are involved in the light-protecting system in plants, after all! As micronutrients in the diet, they are distributed into light-exposed tissues where they provide systemic
In fact, one food rich in beta-carotene – carrots – has been studied for possibly even reversing the sun’s damage to the skin! In that Korean study, the women who received a daily dose of 30 milligrams of beta-carotene – which is the equivalent of about 6 carrots – for three months, displayed both protected and repaired cells. Another interesting fact about carrots is that they also contain lycopene!
Winter squash and pumpkin are also an important food source of carotenoids. Recent research studies have documented just how fantastic they can be when it comes to these key antioxidants. For some groups of study participants, winter squash turns out to be their primary food source of alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. For lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin – three other health-supportive carotenoids – winter squash is again among the top food sources
Another advantage to eating foods high in beta-carotene is that it can actually add some color to the skin.
Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids
Organic healthy fats and essential fatty acids are really needed to amplify the benefits of the sun’s rays. Omega-3 fatty acids have incredible anti-inflammatory powers. Research suggests these compounds can help protect cells from free radical damage like that caused by the sun. Another study found that adding omega-3 rich foods to the
Most Americans do not get enough omega-3 fats and eat way too many omega 6 fats because they are so many processed foods. I spend a lot of time with my clients discussing ways for them to change their ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fats. It should be close to 3 to 1. Most Americans have a ratio more like 25 to 1 or even higher! Here’s a fun chia pudding recipe loaded with omega-3s.
A study published in 2011 in Experimental Dermatology suggests that omega-3 fats exert benefits on the skin relating to potential
The study also suggested that combining dietary and topical sunscreen measures may optimize human skin protection from sunlight.
Dark chocolate
I love it when science supports my vices! Actually, dark chocolate has
Cruciferous Veggies
Cruciferous vegetables have so many benefits. In addition to being important in hormone balance, detoxification and gut health, they are packed with antioxidants. Some, like broccoli, also contain sulforaphane, which is linked to increased protection for the skin from the sun.
Additionally, lab studies have shown that sulforaphane can stimulate enzymes that detoxify carcinogens before they damage cells, thus they can protect from UV damage from the sun. Read all about the many benefits of cruciferous veggies here.
Leafy greens, such as dandelion greens, beet greens, spinach, kale, chard, and watercress are also good to emphasize as they contain anti-inflammatories and antioxidants, like polyphenols. They also are rich in carotenoid compounds called xanthophylls, which may naturally protect the skin from sun damage. All greens are rich in chlorophyll, which purifies the blood of toxins. In addition, blood-purifying herbs are useful. Some to include are dandelion root, golden seal root, chaparral leaves,
Ready to help your clients, patients, loved ones, and yourself?
If you are ready to learn even more about digestive health and nutritional endocrinology, consider applying for my “Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training.” You'll learn to understand the macro- and micro-nutrients and how they interact with hormones and body functions, plus you'll learn how to work with appetite, digestion, sleep, and blood sugar issues. Learn more and apply here. Like much as I have shared here, we interweave food, nutrition, and herbs within our course.