If you joined me at S.H.I.N.E. this past weekend, you know that I set the bar high for the quality of care we need to be providing to our clients. Conventional medicine is just not fully using all the assessments available to help people uncover the true cause of their health challenges and using the power of functional medicine and nutritional assessments, along with the treasure trove of tools nature has provided to help restore balance. We have what we need to support even those who have been told to “just live with it”.
By mastering the resources of nutritional endocrinology, we are at the leading edge of health care.
At S.H.I.N.E., we focused on changing lives and thus contributing to world peace. Healthy happy people rarely fight, except to defend their freedoms. If everyone is healthy and happy, no fights can occur.
I know it seems like a lofty goal but I know that we have the power to change the face of healthcare.
In case you missed the live event, take a look at the pictures.
We laughed, we learned , we hugged, we tested our body functions and we made new friends. And about a dozen participants said YES to themselves and their clients, and stepped into a powerful Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training and Coaching Program and will work closely with me over the coming months and learn all my strategies , share my protocols and be trained as Functional ZENdocrinology Nutritionists.
If you ‘d like to know more about this powerful and exclusive coaching opportunity, shoot an email to [email protected] and we'll tell you all about it.
With love and appreciation,
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Hi Dr. Ritamarie!
We look forward to your interview with Dr. Martha Herbert here at the Body-Brain Resilience Center!
I am a health coach here and love working with parents to help them further their knowledge on using food as medicine!
You are a strong voice in helping the revolution!
Linda Cox
Certified Health Coach
Body-Brain Resilience Center
(857) 366-9399