Radio Show: Gluten and the Danger It Presents for Our Children (Encore Presentation)

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neurological effects of gluten

neurological effects of gluten

Host and Guest Speaker

Host: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

In this show you'll learn:

  • How gluten affects the brains of children
  • How a gluten-free diet can be used therapeutically for neurodevelopment problems
  • What the underlying imbalance in a child's brain is, and the solutions to use that don't involve drugs


Listen to the replay:

Popular Health Internet Radio with Dr Ritamarie on BlogTalkRadio


Please note:  This is a replay of a previous show.  If you are interested in the kid's class mentioned during the show, you can get that replay here.

The radio show about dyslexia mentioned in this show can be found in the archive section.

ADD and ADHD diagnoses are on the rise.  The American Psychiatric Association states in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) that 3% – 7% of school-aged children have ADHD.

Teachers report a lack of focus in the classrooms.  Parents notice hyperactivity, mood swings, depression, and many other emotional behaviors.

What is happening that is causing such issues in our kids?  The answer may be a simple ingredient present in just about every meal… gluten!

Depression, migraines, ADHD, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, balance problems, epilepsy, inability to concentrate, autoimmune thyroid disease, and dermatitis are amongst the many non-digestive disorders that have now been linked to gluten intolerance.

potions, powders and creams that promise getting rid of wrinkles, reversing age spots and firming our sagging rear ends.

Most of these potions and pills end up draining our bank account, and leaving us feeling duped and doomed to move through aging kicking and screaming. The original “snake oil” salesman was probably promising the fountain of youth in a bottle.

SO what's fact and what's fiction in the world of longevity research?

– See more at:

we seek the special potions, powders and creams that promise getting rid of wrinkles, reversing age spots and firming our sagging rear ends.

Most of these potions and pills end up draining our bank account, and leaving us feeling duped and doomed to move through aging kicking and screaming. The original “snake oil” salesman was probably promising the fountain of youth in a bottle.

SO what's fact and what's fiction in the world of longevity research?

– See more at:

Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn how removing gluten from your child's diet could, in fact, save their life.

Additional Resources:

For more information, access the  “Living Without Gluten Survival Kit.”

Check out Dr. Ritamarie's VITAL Health Community for additional resources on the role that food plays in your health and strategies for planning your meals for you to live your life full of energy and vitality.

Be sure to friend me on Blog talk Radio!

Dr. Ritamarie's Blogtalk Radio Channel

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